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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Caught cold!


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Yeah, I definitely caught a cold. Sore throat and everything. Haven't started blowing my nose yet, but that will certainly start tomorrow!

See post in the general forum for details - too lazy to type everything up again ;)

Will keep you posted.

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Update: This is officially a proper "doze code". Since I got home from work this afternoon I've been blowing and blowing and blowing, soaking tissue after tissue. You can imagine how I look, right? Like my nostrils have been filled in with a red sharpie. And boy do I sound like I have a cold - lige I have wet cottod stuffed ub by doze.

Needless to say, I'm staying home from work tomorrow...

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you should try using hankies, you'll definitely go through less than all those tissues, and they'll feel so much better on your poor nose

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LFH...you'd REALLY love Tari's blows. Loud and wonderfully honking- kind of old school. Wish I could find some of the old wavs from back in the day but I'm afraid they are lost in cyberspace.

But such memories...LOUD thunderous honks from nose-colds of the past.


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LFH...you'd REALLY love Tari's blows. Loud and wonderfully honking- kind of old school. Wish I could find some of the old wavs from back in the day but I'm afraid they are lost in cyberspace.

But such memories...LOUD thunderous honks from nose-colds of the past.


I remember those too. '99/2000, some great times. Get well Tari! :)

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