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Sneeze Fetish Forum

"Hachooo" as a verb


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I dont know what it is about this word but lately I'm liking it alot :-).

Just wondering if anyone else would love to hear someone use it as a replacement for the word sneeze?


"I'm going to hachooo" OR "this cold is making me hachooo"

Is that hot?? or is it just me? LOL

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I love this I... Hachooo! Idea.

I would love it if people replaced the word sneeze with Hachooo!

It's not just you, I agree with you. It is hot! <3

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That would be... kinda of weird actually. Potentially hot, but weird.

Realistically speaking, what words used in place of 'sneeze' would sound sexy? hmmm...

"I think I'm going to explode!"

"I need to let loose!"

"Uh... oh god, I'm going to lose control!"

dang, I'd pay good money to see a decent actress saying that last one... w00t.gif

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I agree with Joal555. I prefer hearing the word sneeze.

"I think I'm going to explode!"

"I need to let loose!"

"Uh... oh god, I'm going to lose control!"

Not gonna lie, though. There's something about these I like.

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Yeah I think hatchoo would just kind of sound silly to me. I really like hearing the word sneeze.

"Uh... oh god, I'm going to lose control!"

And definitley hells to the yeah on that one!

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It's interesting that so many of you don't like this. I may not be typical since I really only discovered this fetish after coming across boards like this, and didn't grow up with it. But I actually agree with the OP, I tend to do things like that in my head when I think of sneezing in a fetishy way, because "sneeze" sounds so, well, ordinary. Whereas, what NON-fetishist would devote enough mind-space to imagining the details of a sneeze in order to come up with something like "She needs to hashoo so badly!" or "I need to let out a few hetchoos"?

I could see that maybe if you had the fetish back when you first learned the word "sneeze", it could have a special place for you. Though maybe it's more me than the lateness of the fetish, because I'm also kind of that way about sex in general. Like, I find it exciting if a woman has a unique name for her "girl parts", possibly one she has been using since she was little, because it just seems more personal and freed from stereotypical conventions about sexuality. It even can communicate an innocent curiosity that I tend to go for. We live in a time when sex is so "public", which is good in that it's not good to ignore something so important, but on the other hand there is more chance for influence from peers and the media, so it's a turn-on when someone seems to have their own unique way of looking at it.

Sorry for going off topic a bit...

Edited by brokensneeze
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For me, "I'm going to achoo" comes too close to baby-speak to enjoy it I'm afraid.

Same for me. Of course it doesn't help that I've actually heard kidlets use it.

I got the word "wrong" from someone from this community- back Ages and Ages ago- and I'll admit that I rather like it. :twisted: Not in terms of "I'm going to wrong" (because that seems odd to me), but talking about "wrongness" or "He wronged 3 times." I don't know... :blushing: I very much used to use this term prior to even feeling like I could type the word "sneeze", which is still a little akwardish for me- but not Nearly as so as it used to be.

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Ehhh...doesn't quite do it for me. I guess I'm boring, because I do rather like the word 'sneeze'. Saying/typing it has never really felt that awkward for me.

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I never really thought about how there are no synonyms for the word sneeze. When I was younger, I couldn't bear saying it, and I would be mortified if anyone else said it. Now though, the uncomfortable feeling it used to put in my tummy has turned into a more nervous/exciting feeling. Especially if it comes from the right person. So, I think I rather enjoy the word sneeze. :)

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Very interesting point, brokensneeze.

For me, "I'm going to achoo" comes too close to baby-speak to enjoy it I'm afraid.


On the other hand, I've often found myself having fetishy "meta-thoughts" that ran something like this: "...beginning to think about hatchee". Sort of consciously setting myself up for fantasising as it were. :)

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Very interesting point, brokensneeze.

For me, "I'm going to achoo" comes too close to baby-speak to enjoy it I'm afraid.

For me, the ideal sex would be very childlike--it would involve removal of all the adult structures and conceptual walls that normally govern human interaction, going back to a time when anything is possible and all is imagination. Therefore, using "baby-speak" sexually makes perfect sense to me.

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I find this standpoint of yours very interesting, brokensneeze. My theory is that sex is an adult thing, both biologically and spiritually. Children are not yet fully equipped for the conceptualisation of sexuality and sexual intercourse. It is only in the spirit of non-threadjacking that I'm not going to pursue the matter further here. But I'd really like to explore this matter!

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