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how do i get over my mental block?


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I have a really bad mental block ab sneezing in front of people... how do i get over that? Becuz sometimes ive really had to sneeze and i just leave the room to sneeze becuz of my mental block.. what dk i do?

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I've never had that, so this probably isn't a good take on it xD. But I would say just close your eyes and pretend like no one is around. Sneeze, let yourself recover before opening your eyes, and then just let the moment pass without thinking about it. I know it must be hard for you to do, but that's one of the only ways I could think to do it.

Either that, or start sneezing in front of close friends and gradually move to bigger crowds.

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One way to get over it is to just dive into the deep end, so to speak - force yourself one time to NOT leave the room when you have to sneeze when others are present, and see what happens. Before you do this, try to figure out for yourself what exactly it is that you hate and/or fear so much about sneezing in public. Imagine the worst that can happen, and know that it probably won't happen. Once you've been successful, you'll find it easier to try it again.

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God i have the same problem.

Except i don't leave the room, the sneeze just goes away since im afraid of the reaction of people (even my best friends) My own metal block is loosening up a bit..i have sneezed in front of my friends a few times this summer which is a major accomplishment.

But yeah, Maru-chan has the best advice. so take it from her. im sure that would work.

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this is terrible advice, but if you are so scared and really don't want to sneeze, try stifling. that's what i do and i feel alot more comfortable seen as no one notices. and i don't have to run out of a room!

just remember, to everyone else, it's just a sneeze. no one really cares :)

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I'd definately try to take it gradually. Start off by stifling whenever you feel a sneeze coming on while in public. Then slowly build up (pun not intended ;) ) to just letting your sneezes out. I'm still trying to get past the stifling stage myself, but I really hope this works for you.

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One thing I've found useful in getting around a mental block is to become exquisitely attuned to your physical sensations, to the exclusion of everything else. When you are self-conscious, you are dissociated (i.e. observing yourself from the outside) instead of being in your body. Just be passively aware of the tickle, where it originates, how it feels as it spreads across your face and sinuses, making your breath hitch... and pretty soon you'll find yourself sneezing as a reflex.

I also like what BlackScatter suggested. Try saying to yourself, "There is no one here but me."

Edited by The Dude
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  • 4 weeks later...

Same here! Im new on this and i had NO idea that there were others like me who have this fetish. Ive never heard of a mental block but after reading this stuff, i know that i definitely have it! Im so scared to sneeze or even cough in public. When i feel one coming, i freak out and just not let it come. It normally doesnt come, but if it does i sound retarted cause i tried so hard not to sneeze. Then im really embarrassed.

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I'm a fairly uninhibited person, rarely am I uncomfortable doing anything, but I've joked before that I'd have to be totally drunk to sneeze in public. Sounds SO silly to me. Still, no amount of reasoning has helped me over the last 15 years. I know most people don't give a flip and yet, I just can't do it. Normally I don't get the feeling when people are around, but the couple times I have, I've fled the scene first. Arrgh, frustrating!

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