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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Hairdresser and Co-Worker, Fall is here!


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It seems like it's that special time at the change of the seasons when fall allergies take hold with a vengeance and people start to get those first sniffles as the weather see-saws from warm to cool and back again.

Today I was working upstairs at my job and another employee joined me in the room. He's short, brown hair, muscular build. I was sort of around the corner, so I couldn't see him, but I could hear him sniffling. As soon as he sat down, he blew his nose rather wetly and sniffled a few more times. Then I heard a masculine, harsh double. Like "Hehshhtt! Hehhhshttt!" He kept sniffling after that. Another employee came in and asked him right away "How are your allergies?". That peaked my interest even more! The guy said that he was okay and they were probably just residual stuff from recently being outside. What he didn't know was that around the corner near me was a vase of very pollen-filled flowers...so perhaps those were part of the problem?

He walked by me later and sneezed once more as he crossed the far side of the room opposite me. Same harsh, masculine Hehhh'tssttt!

I also paid a visit recently to my hairdresser. She's petite, tattooed, with multi-colored hair and a sweet little very feminine voice. As she was cutting the back of my hair, she stopped suddenly and put her arm over her face, sneezing a quick triple that was almost cough-like and not very loud. A staccato "Tstt! Tshhtt! Tshht!" She sniffed after and said "excuse me". I blessed her, though I wasn't sure she heard me. She kept cutting my hair and for the next ten minutes she kept sniffling every so often, obviously struggling with a runny nose. After a while, she put down her scissors and said, "I'm so sorry, I have to go blow my nose!". I melted right there. She went into the back room and returned after a minute, saying "Sorry" as she resumed cutting my hair. "It's that time of year," I commented, hoping she'd detail whether this was allergies or a cold. "I know," she said. "I woke up with a sore throat." Ah....a cold. "I know a few people who are getting sick," I said. "It's that warm then cold then warm weather." She agreed. No more sneezing or much sniffling after that, though!

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She kept cutting my hair and for the next ten minutes she kept sniffling every so often, obviously struggling with a runny nose. After a while, she put down her scissors and said, "I'm so sorry, I have to go blow my nose!".



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