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To newbies from an "oldbie"


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I just wanted to say "Hi!" and welcome all of you. I've sort of been around on this particular board for forever and a year, but..

I think that it is really great that you bring new ideas, interests, and excitement into our little (but growing) SF community. That's how most of us "long-timers" really view it- as a community. We might seem paranoid sometimes- especially about making sure that people are checked out a little first before getting access to everything- but it is truly because we want people to feel safe and comfortable.

Sometimes it can be an adjustment for people to get used to a flock of newcomers- but it happens, it always has. I hope that all of you find in this place the community and support that I have found. I can honestly say that I have met some of my closest friends through here and I'm always meeting more cool people in chat and through posts and such.

All the best!

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Thanks, oldbie. I'm a newbie, I hope I will be able to join you and many other members in the chat room one day and well... chat.

But until that day comes I will continue to try and converse with others through posts like this until then. And I hope I can meet friends through here like I have on sneezefurs, and furaffinity.

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Glad you appreciate us Newbies, tma ^^

I've really enjoyed the time I've spent in the community so far, and I'm looking forward to eventually being able to do even more stuff here.

Even the Validation process isn't too excruciating, since we've got a fair bit of posting freedom still. It feels a lot safer knowing that I can express myself without fear of trolls.

Much luv for SFF <3

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Any newbie who truly wants to contribute to our crazy playground is more than welcome and (in my opinion) deserves forum membership for real. :yes: Kudos to those of you making such good efforts, and thank goodness you seem to be the majority! :cheers: (<--- not alcohol ^_^ )

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I love that you "oldbies" actually like getting to know new people and are so welcoming. :hug:

I'm not a complete newbie (or maybe I am compared to some of you :lol: ), but seeing things like this just make me want to talk to people on here a little bit more. I still get nervous when I want to make a new topic or something, so remembering that everyone isn't all that scary helps now and then. xD But seriously, you guys are awesome. The fact that you've all helped make this community what it is, that's just fantastic. I can't think of anywhere else online (that I've joined) that's this close knit, so welcoming to new people, and just all around awesome. It's great knowing people here care enough to make this place safe and comfortable for everyone,and it's just something you don't see everywhere. So thanks for that. :3

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well, it's been almost a year or so...I guess I'm a newbie?? hm.. either way, I, too, have met some truly incredible people on here and it never ceases to just amaze me how wonderful everyone is here :) Ditto everything above. This place is the only place on the internet (and the world, for that matter) I feel truly welcomed and comfortable. Thank you!!! :D

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I love that you "oldbies" actually like getting to know new people and are so welcoming. hug.gif

It's a combination of old and new alike that continually reinvigorates the community. Of course, not everyone is perfect, but the vast majority of people contribute positively. I hope you never feel nervous again :)

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I love that you "oldbies" actually like getting to know new people and are so welcoming. hug.gif

It's a combination of old and new alike that continually reinvigorates the community. Of course, not everyone is perfect, but the vast majority of people contribute positively. I hope you never feel nervous again smile.png

Truth! All people here are just generally really great to talk to, and it's kind of exciting seeing new people and stuff. :D I'm getting more comfortable with it. xD Posting in already created threads is easier, but when I have more topic ideas, I'll probably try getting over my small fear of posting new threads. :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks TMA! :hug:

Although I haven't been around nearly as long as you, I've been here for about five years but I still feel like a newbie. Mostly because I wasn't very active during much of that time. But now I'm trying to change all that and become much more active and contribute more to this community. I'm happy to say that I've made more friends in the past year than I did in the four years after joining.

And I'm still hoping to make even more friends. It's "Oldbies" like you who enjoy talking to us newbies, that have helped me come out of my shell and open up. For that I say thank you!

Edited by Heavy-Chevy
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Thanks tma just realized tommorow is my 1 month of being a member here i've lurked for years :D i'm a newbie and, proud to be

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Believe me, tma is one of the best "oldbies" anywhere. Classy, friendly, supportive, intelligent, understanding....sorry, shouldn't threadjack. Welcome to all you newcomers. Hope you find this place as awesome as I do.

Take care and all the best,


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  • 1 month later...

Just come across this thread by the lovely tma :)

Thank you so much, you & everyone have been so welcoming to me here honestly i really don't know why it took me so long to join this forum considering how nice everyone's been since i joined a few months back, i'm so glad.

That's one of the many great things about this forum- everyone's made to feel at home straight away group.gif

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  • 3 weeks later...

To be honest I'm a very very long time lurker, since the start of this forum. But to this day I only have some 50-odd posts to my name. I'm still slowly working my way up and hope to gain membership eventually. I check in almost every day but usually just glance around and move on without posting. I don't like to spam posts unless I have something meaningful to add. The only material I feel comfortable sharing right now is either fiction or obs, so I'll keep on with that and continue to peek in from the periphery of the community. It sure is a fun place to be. :)

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