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Sneeze Fetish Forum

I Can't Believe He Actually Said That (female, self obs, sneezing & nose blowing, hanky, allergies/possibly a bit of a cold)


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So I went yesterday, in the early evening, to a wine bar. I don't have a drinking problem, but I'm Italian-American & yeah, I like a glass of wine now & then. Also, I work from home, and find that going to a wine bar at around 6, which is "after work" for those in offices, is a good opportunity to meet up with, chat,and network with other professionals in my area. I went in and ordered a glass of Shiraz & I was just sitting there, minding my own business, when, about 5 minutes after I sat down, I felt like I had to sneeze. I put my wine down, got my hanky ready, and sneezed a very wet "yeshhhhhhhhhooooooo" into it. Then I proceeded to blow my nose for a good couple of minutes.

It quite honestly didn't occur to me that I had sneezed or was blowing my nose too loudly, or that I was possibly annoying other people. I mean, I didn't sneeze and blow my nose for the express purpose of annoying other people, but I was more concerned with clearing out my nose and breathing better than with what other people thought of me. And yet, as I was blowing my nose, I heard a male voice somewhere on my left say "You know that's really disgusting." Befuddled, I took my face out of my hanky & looked up. The guy was........well, he was fat & middle aged and kind of reminded me (physically, anyway) of Rush Limbaugh. "Yeah," he said, pointing his fat saussage-like finger at me, "you heard me, that's disgusting."

"What is?" I looked at him, totally befuddled.

"You," he said, louder and getting red in the face, "why d'you have to sneeze and blow your nose all over everything? Why can't you excuse yourself to the ladies' room to do that, that's not something you do in public."

I finished wiping my nose, put my hanky away, took a sip of wine, and said, "Well it wasn't my intention to disgust you, and if I did, I'm very sorry. Why don't you let me buy your next round, to make it up?"

He obviously didn't hear what I said, didn't care, or quite possibly he had got started & just didn't know how to stop because he continued with, "I mean, honestly. DIdn't your mother teach you any manner-"

"Now, wait just a minute," I said, angry, "I'd appreciate it if you'd leave my mother out of this. She's dead, & she's not here to defend herself. And anyway, I already told you I'm sorry if I disgusted you & I'd buy your next round to make it up. There's no need to go insulting my mother."

"You wanna make it up?" he asked in a weirdly accusatory tone. "Y'know what, if you wanna make it up why don't you stay home and sneeze." His tripple chins quivered as he made this announcement.

"You know what, Mister," I said, "you're an ignoramus and a pig, that's what you are. And frankly, I don't wanna drink with you anymore." I pushed my glass, with wine still in it, towards the bartender, "Y'know what, Stu," I told the bartender as he came to take my glass, "I think I'm gonna call it a night, what's say we settle up."

"On the house," Stu said, "get home safe and get some rest. You sound like you're coming down with something."

"See," I said to Rush Limbaugh's doppleganger on the barstool next to me, "he's a gentleman," I pointed at Stu. And with that, I turned around to walk out.

But Rush Limgaughs doppleganger on the barstool wasn't quite done yet. As I was on my way toward the door, he said, "Oh yeah, well you're a c**t and good riddance to you."

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He doesn't sound very nice at all. To be fair, if I weren't a fetishist I wouldn't want someone blowing his/her nose where I eat/drink either and I do think that that is generally something you do at the ladies/mens room, especially if you are going to be at it for a while. But when the mistake is made and a good apology is offered that should be it.

Edited by Dogma
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He sounds like a scumbag of the first order. Fat, ugly, opinionated....the works.

From a fetishist's point of view, the description of your sneeze and following blow was lovely.

Frankly, I would have love to have been that hanky.

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He sounds absolutely dreadful, im so sorry this happened to you :( Some people are just jerks, they thrive off of others misery. But your obs sound wonderful dear. :)

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the nerve of some people...he had no business saying anything like that at all!...but just know we would have all appreciated it w00t.gif

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That's completely uncalled for. You were far nicer than he deserved IMO, offering to pay for a round when he was clearly out of line. If you were being really obnoxious (wiping your nose on bare hands, sneezing uncovered all over the place, etc) then he would have a reason to be offended. Sometimes people sneeze or blow their nose...not a big deal. The guy is clearly an ass and mentally unstable. Out of curiousity, was he acting drunk?

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Well if i had whitnessed a beautiful woman sneezing into her hanky, i would have first of all used my manners and blessed her! Then i would have replayed in my mind over and over lol. Dont worry hun we appreciate you x

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  • 4 weeks later...

OMFG. We need to kill that man. That's horrible. why the hell would someone say that?!

He's probably picking on you cuz of his low self esteem.

Karma. Karma will get him.

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  • 6 months later...

Rude of you? You sneezed on a hanky. And it's not like you blew your nose with your bare hands and threw the snot randomly anywhere. Yes, I have seen men doing that. Rude of him!! That guy must have issues, and you were far more polite than he actually deserved. Bless you, and you go! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

So I went yesterday, in the early evening, to a wine bar. I don't have a drinking problem, but I'm Italian-American & yeah, I like a glass of wine now & then. Also, I work from home, and find that going to a wine bar at around 6, which is "after work" for those in offices, is a good opportunity to meet up with, chat,and network with other professionals in my area. I went in and ordered a glass of Shiraz & I was just sitting there, minding my own business, when, about 5 minutes after I sat down, I felt like I had to sneeze. I put my wine down, got my hanky ready, and sneezed a very wet "yeshhhhhhhhhooooooo" into it. Then I proceeded to blow my nose for a good couple of minutes.

It quite honestly didn't occur to me that I had sneezed or was blowing my nose too loudly, or that I was possibly annoying other people. I mean, I didn't sneeze and blow my nose for the express purpose of annoying other people, but I was more concerned with clearing out my nose and breathing better than with what other people thought of me. And yet, as I was blowing my nose, I heard a male voice somewhere on my left say "You know that's really disgusting." Befuddled, I took my face out of my hanky & looked up. The guy was........well, he was fat & middle aged and kind of reminded me (physically, anyway) of Rush Limbaugh. "Yeah," he said, pointing his fat saussage-like finger at me, "you heard me, that's disgusting."

"What is?" I looked at him, totally befuddled.

"You," he said, louder and getting red in the face, "why d'you have to sneeze and blow your nose all over everything? Why can't you excuse yourself to the ladies' room to do that, that's not something you do in public."

I finished wiping my nose, put my hanky away, took a sip of wine, and said, "Well it wasn't my intention to disgust you, and if I did, I'm very sorry. Why don't you let me buy your next round, to make it up?"

He obviously didn't hear what I said, didn't care, or quite possibly he had got started & just didn't know how to stop because he continued with, "I mean, honestly. DIdn't your mother teach you any manner-"

"Now, wait just a minute," I said, angry, "I'd appreciate it if you'd leave my mother out of this. She's dead, & she's not here to defend herself. And anyway, I already told you I'm sorry if I disgusted you & I'd buy your next round to make it up. There's no need to go insulting my mother."

"You wanna make it up?" he asked in a weirdly accusatory tone. "Y'know what, if you wanna make it up why don't you stay home and sneeze." His tripple chins quivered as he made this announcement.

"You know what, Mister," I said, "you're an ignoramus and a pig, that's what you are. And frankly, I don't wanna drink with you anymore." I pushed my glass, with wine still in it, towards the bartender, "Y'know what, Stu," I told the bartender as he came to take my glass, "I think I'm gonna call it a night, what's say we settle up."

"On the house," Stu said, "get home safe and get some rest. You sound like you're coming down with something."

"See," I said to Rush Limbaugh's doppleganger on the barstool next to me, "he's a gentleman," I pointed at Stu. And with that, I turned around to walk out.

But Rush Limgaughs doppleganger on the barstool wasn't quite done yet. As I was on my way toward the door, he said, "Oh yeah, well you're a c**t and good riddance to you."

What a total jerk in every way and a sorry excuse for a man to boot.I would have hugged you all the way out.
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