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Sneeze Fetish Forum

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Hey, it's me again. Back to school means back to being surrounded by a ton of people every day, which means more opportunities for obs!

The first ones are from a friend I'll call L. He's really tall, (over 6 ft), has brownish eyes, and long curly brown hair that he wears in a ponytail. He must have allergies, because I have two classes with him, and I've seen him sneeze in both. It's almost always the same routine: 2-3 desperately stifled sneezes, with a gasp in between. "...hit-nnn! ....HET-nn! ...HIK-nnt!" Every once in a while, one will escape him. It's always this soft, wet, "Essshh!" I don't find him particularly attractive or anything, but something about his sneezes is just drool.gif

The second set came from a guy I'll call J. He's fairly tall, maybe a little less than 6ft... I don't really know. He has rather pale skin, greenish brown eyes, brown hair with blond tips, and a nice nose. Overall, he's pretty cute ^_^

He has fall allergies, so he sneezes fairly often. If we're hanging out for any length of time, I usually get to see him sneeze at least once. His sneezes are usually wet, harsh, and a little cough-like, which I usually don't care for, but coming from him, I don't mind! The best one I've seen from him recently was the other night. J, his roommate C, and I took a walk in the woods. We stopped for a little while and were talking when J took several deep, hitching breaths. A couple seconds later, he sneezed, "Eschuh!" C and I both blessed him, and he thanked us. We ended up getting back to their dorm pretty late, and they gave me the choice of staying there or having them walk me home. I didn't want to make them walk, so I slept on their futon. J had to get up early the next morning to work. At some point, I woke up slightly and heard him moving around. Then I heard him sneeze! "Etchoo!" It sounded like he was trying to be quiet so that C and I wouldn't wake up, but he didn't try to stifle it at all. I didn't say anything, because he didn't realize I was awake.

I'm glad I have guy friends with such yummy sneezes!

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sexyhankysneeze - sadly, no. L typically pinches his nose between his fingers to stifle, and J sneezes into his elbow or hand. I've seen them both with tissues on several occasions, but never hankies. I actually don't know anyone who uses a handkerchief. :(

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sexyhankysneeze - sadly, no. L typically pinches his nose between his fingers to stifle, and J sneezes into his elbow or hand. I've seen them both with tissues on several occasions, but never hankies. I actually don't know anyone who uses a handkerchief. sadsmiley.gif

i take it that you dont either then? :D

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@sexyhankysneeze - you would be correct in that assumption

@scorpio - they're not my favorite either, but for some reason, this guy's are simply amazing. plus I have the added joy of witnessing failed stifles every once in a while!

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@sexyhankysneeze - you would be correct in that assumption

@scorpio - they're not my favorite either, but for some reason, this guy's are simply amazing. plus I have the added joy of witnessing failed stifles every once in a while!

you totally should try using them.. they are really good compared to tissues :)

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