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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Read this if you live in London


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I have made a Facebook page for us where we can arrange to meet up and such. I don't want this to come up on google searches so here is how it works.

The rules are as follows: Don't harass anyone, don't post any links to sneeze videos and don't tell non-sneeze fetishists about this page or the password. I want to keep it unknown to people who don't have a sneeze fetish. That's why I gave it an unusual name. You can reveal your real life identity if you want but you probably shouldn't. I also might ban you if you only post content unrelated to sneezing. There is no age limit.

You don't need to be able to prove that you live in London (England) but please don't try joining if you do not live in London. Also if you know any sneeze fetishists who do live in London who don't use this forum, please tell them about my page and tell them how to join.

There are about 8 million people in London and I think at least a few hundred of them must have this fetish, so I'm making this page for us to be able to meet easily, but I don't plan to regulate the activity very much. You can talk about sneezing as much as you want but I will not write in the description that it's for sneeze fetishists.

Edited by Sigrith
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Not to be pessimistic but we're very much widely spread across the world. There are a few topics on here where people have stated their location and we aren't really clumped in one place. There are over 2,000 members but considering there are at least 7 billion people on the planet I'm not sure that hundreds of them are in London. It's a cool thought though. Sorry if I'm just getting involved because I don't actually live in London but I'm just pointing it out :) I'm not trying to knock your idea or anything because it sounds pretty interesting just pointing that out :)

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That's a nice idea, Launch, but please be really careful. I see you are only 16, don't go meeting anybody from the internet! Don't let randoms on the internet get information from your profile like your real name or location. It's just a bad idea. Be safe. Any adult who wants to meet you or chat to you is a creeper until proven otherwise.

Remember one of the reasons that the forum exists is to give us a space to talk to each other anonymously. It is carefully watched over by our lovely mods who can hold us all accountable. On Facebook there's no such thing. We already have a great resource right here. Members do meet up, but after months or years of knowing each other on the forum.

You are a minor. Remember that, for example, an adult forum member who meets you could go to jail.

Edited by Salamander
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What Salamander said. Also: I think there's only three or four or five of us who actually live in (Greater) London, and not all of them are still active around here. Why not make a Londoners' Topic right here in the Off Topic section, to discuss Londony things with other Londoners, if you want to know all your fetishist fellow-townsmen? You can take all the precautions you know of, but people might still think Facebook isn't the safest environment for what you want to do.

N.B.: since you are still being vetted, I'd especially recommend limiting your fetish-related social activities to the forum. By taking an active part in discussions and giving constructive commentary on people's creations, you'll gain access to more of the forum sections and to more ways to get in touch with people from your city.

Good luck!

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Wait a moment......you can go to jail just for meeting a minor? Can this be true? {Although of course what you must not do is publish an indecent image of yourself. Unless of course you are trying to blackmail someone into marrying you, a la California. Fortunately sneezevids are not usually indecent.]

I actually came here to oppose the notion that we are so exclusive, but I am overcome by a strange weariness. I will just say that my estimation of the number of us in London is a minimum of fifty, and the maximum? Who knows? A hundred thousand ?

People have been telling me for years that I live in London, though I deny it; yet I don't think I shall be joining this Facebook thing, whatever that is.

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Wait a moment......you can go to jail just for meeting a minor? Can this be true?

I exaggerate, but for a grown person to arrange to meet a minor they met on a fetish website- that doesn't look good. We all know that it's about sneezing, but once the word "fetish" is thrown into the mix, good luck working with kids ever again. I would be more worried that it could be traced back to the forum and we'd all be tarred with that brush!

Lol, I know a sneeze fetishist in London, but he doesn't know me. I told a friend, and friend slept with a guy with the fetish. So maybe the city if smaller than we think... or maybe my friend just attracts us. :lol:

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Wait a moment......you can go to jail just for meeting a minor? Can this be true?

Apparently so. In fact, according to this article, you don't even have to get so far as meeting them and the content of your correspondence doesn't even have to be explicitly sexual.

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Topic closed due to the potential risks involved with groups established for the specific purpose of meet-ups between members on the forum, particularly those who are underage.

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