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Sneeze Fetish Forum

*glup* My drawings are gone!


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Oh. No.

My grandmother (mentioned in Snake Pit some time ago) came for a visit. Every time she comes here she keeps complaining about the number of useless things we keep in our flat. That would be fine (after all, it is her personal right to complain from time to time, right?) if she was only complaining.

So, basically, every morning when she is alone in our flat, she trows away all the things she finds useless. And when I say trow away, I mean it. She literally puts it in a container.

My sister lost lots of toys that way. Nor some of my drawings or asamblages or even clothes were spared. She did some "cleaning up" today, too.

Long story short, when I got to my room today and looked at the secret place I keep my drawings (THE drawings) at, I realized they were gone. Shit! My grandma found them!

Now, has anyone got any idea how should I explain the drawing of the lad dressed up in lingerie sneezing (and about ten more drawings of people sneezing) to my grandmother if she asks me about it?

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Oh no, that's... damn it, why does your mother let her keep doing things like that??! It's, it's crazy!! :mad:

But, if she asks you about it, you could say it was a drawing assignment, or a joke drawing assignment, that you and some friends were doing. I don't know if she'll buy it, I guess that sort of depends on how well you can lie without getting exposed.

I'm so sorry this happened to you. It's awful. :hug:

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Oh no, that's... damn it, why does your mother let her keep doing things like that??! It's, it's crazy!! :mad:

But, if she asks you about it, you could say it was a drawing assignment, or a joke drawing assignment, that you and some friends were doing. I don't know if she'll buy it, I guess that sort of depends on how well you can lie without getting exposed.

I'm so sorry this happened to you. It's awful. :hug:

Chanel! :heart:

Well, the story why my mum allows her to do that is also really long. You see, we moved out the flat I have been talking about when I was ten, but we didn't sell it or rent it out or something, so it is still OUR flat, although we don't live there formaly. Now it became our... warehouse of some kind.

I spend there the biggest part of my day since my sister is babysitted there and that's where I host my birthday parties, write my homework and hide anything from my parents' sight.

That's why my mum doesn't care about what's going on there.

And about your idea... well she is very likely to buy it, since I am quite a good liar (when I was six I came home with my jeans ripped and gave my parents the most nonsensical excuse about the "evil janitor" who fixed my chair the way the big nail was peeping out of the chair's wooden surface. And they believed me!)

Thank you very much! :)

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Aha, I see. Well, that complicates things quite a bit, I suppose it would be at least a little bit easier to tell her to stop if she was actually invading your living space, throwing things out. :(

Good luck lying, I hope it works out for you!! ;)


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Saying they were drawn for a laugh is your best bet. Why not say you and your friends were giving one another ridiculous prompts for things to draw, and this was the one you got given?

Either that, or you could just try the 'I have no idea what those are, they're certainly not mine' excuse.

Chances are she may not even ask about them, anyway. My fingers are crossed for you, Loca! <3

Maybe next time, if you do anymore drawings, you could hide them in a folder labelled 'homework' or something.

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Thank you guys!

My grandmother is comes from countryside of... well, kinda barbaric country, :rolleyes: and she's not familiar with fetishes of any kind. I guess she just thinks the sneezing drawings are a new craze with city teenagers or something. :lol:

And I should definitely get the folder which says "homework" in case someone else will be nosey next time...

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