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When did you first use a handkerchief?


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Must have been about four years old, stole one from my dad's drawer and pretended to be him. Sure I liked it, already new it was a bit odd to like it.


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Good question

My first memory of doing so would be somewhere between the age of 9 and 13 based on what school I was at.

But my Dad was a stickler for not sniffling too much so it was probably younger than that in reality

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I remember being about 5 years old when my grandmother gave me my first hanky. I'm pretty sure I knew what it was for, but it was just so small and dainty, I didn't want to get it dirty. As I got older, my collection grew, and I got some more durable ladies hankies. One in particular was a super soft, thick cotton hanky with pink tatting lace around the border. I must have been like 10 and had a runny nose. I started to softly blow my nose into the hanky and it was just incredibly soft. I dabbed my nose and remember being a little sad that I got my hanky wet. I think I tried another hanky after that too, but was always so scared I would get them dirty! One day I found a pile of my grandfather's old handkerchiefs in my grandparent's basement. They were plain white, but more of a light cream color from aging in a drawer. The material was thin cotton and soft as silk. My nose was stuffy from the dusty basement. I chose one, lifted it to my nose, and blew as hard as I could. It was amazing. I folded up the wet spot, and blew hard again. It felt kind of naughty, but I loved the feeling. I still have all of those handkerchiefs and still get that naughty, excited feeling when I use them.

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Think i was about 7, my mum bought me the cute little cotton hankies with soldiers or teddys on them and Aunts buying them mostly for birthdays or christmas.

Have a collection of similiar now.

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When I was 6 or so, my mom made me bring a small white cotton handkerchief to school every day.

I had bad allergies (and still do :D).

I didn't like it then, probably because of my severe mental block in doing so. (I would not sneeze, sniffle or blow my nose in front of family or strangers, EVER. And I still, up to this day, avoid doing it near my family members. But I don't feel so awkward doing it in school now. :) )

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When I was 6 or so, my mom made me bring a small white cotton handkerchief to school every day.

I had bad allergies (and still do biggrin.png).

I didn't like it then, probably because of my severe mental block in doing so. (I would not sneeze, sniffle or blow my nose in front of family or strangers, EVER. And I still, up to this day, avoid doing it near my family members. But I don't feel so awkward doing it in school now. smile.png )

i hope you still take a hanky to school everyday :)

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