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Sneeze Fetish Forum

What if I don't get the *feeling*?


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This has been bugging me for a while now. I don't have a boyfriend and the only one I took really seriously was about two years ago before I joined the forum. I wasn't really sure of the fetish and it was a little quirk I had that didn't concern him. My preferences have expanded and morfed so much that I've gone from liking mostly male, to liking mostly female sneezing. It really depends on the situation but I find it way easier to find good female *material* than male which sort of comes into real life too. I'm starting to worry that when I get a boyfriend I won't enjoy his sneezes because I'm really picky. I'm scared that I won't get turned on by him which could ruin our relationship and I know this is hypothetical but it's getting on my nerves. I know I should just go with the flow but what would happen in this situation? Do any of you have experiences with this? I mean I could always get with a girl but I'm not sure if I'd be attracted to her or her sneezes and I'm eager to have a boyfriend first. Ugghh confusion!! So yeah any opinions on this at all? (I'm just a serial worrier to be honest)

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There really isn't much I can say other than "Go and find out".

You ask "What if [anything at all]?" before anything has even shown a possibility of starting to happen, and that is definitely not the way to go into a relationship with someone. You don't get into a relationship with someone you don't find attractive, anyway (and if you are, you're doing it wrong). So I'm sort of not really seeing a problem here in the first place. All you need do is just go on doing your thing until you meet someone you could get with for a good reason. THEN you might start to think of how attractive his sneezing might be to you. Not before. That's just a little bit silly. :)

(Also, do yourself a favour and go easy on the pr0n. The more fics and drawings and vids and wavs and obs you "consume", so to speak, the less realistic your expectations of real-life sneezing will get. I speak from experience here.)

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Thank you Maru-Chan for your opinion, it really helped. I'm just one of those people that worries about the what-ifs which is wrong I know but UUrrgghh! Ok I'll keep the whole sneezing afterwards thing in mind definitely :D Haha yeah I'm working on the pr0n thing because I'm slightly addicted at the moment but I really appreciate where you're coming from sweatdrop.gif

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I've actually dealt with this before, too. Never had a boyfriend, but my preference to female .wavs actually had me questioning my sexuality for a while. Didn't help that I go to an all-girl school, either. I, too, was a little more than slightly addicted to pr0n, which didn't help either. That said, I would suggest you go with Maru-chan's advice and cool it for a while. It helps, trust me. Also, preferring female to male really doesn't say much about who you like as much as what type of sneeze you like. Me, I like the soft, wet kind, which you don't get from males too often. It doesn't change my sexuality in any way, though. But then there's also the fact that I traded a "sex drive" for the fetish, so to speak. I've never been attracted to males nor females, except one (guess who, but even still, not in that way), and I attribute this to the fact that who needs that when you can get nice and happy just from a sneeze? Bingo :)

and okay, I've revealed way too much. Hope this helps!!

(and seriously, listen to Maru-chan. She's the goddess of wise advice, I'm telling ya :D )

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oh and p.s. - loving someone will help you also love their sneezes, male or female. Especially when you're in that "honeymoon" phase, they'll be a lot more appealing. You'll probably be dying to hear them sneeze, and if you're really in love and junk, I would think it wouldn't disappoint :) )

Edited by purpleninja
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I will try and listen to Maru-Chan's advice because it's helpful but I'm the most awkward person when it comes to "whatever will be will be".

Thank you purpleninja, it helps to know I'm not the only one that has thought about this. I'm just a little muddled and obviously I can't bring something like "hey, so I get turned on by sneezing but I prefer girls over boys blah blah blah" up to anyone. Haah yeah I have pretty good idea which one ;) I'm just scared that if the sneeze isn't enough the person won't be either which is wrong I know but urrghh! Thank you, that last point helped a lot too. I'm really going to take all of this advice on board and I feel a bit better now that I've shared this a little :)

One more question, this is to anyone who prefers female sneezing but are in heterosexual relationships. Do you like your boyfriends' sneezing? Can it give you that feeling or do you have to listen to female wavs? Thanks everyone :D

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Life is a series of constant, and often repetitive change.

You started off liking male sneezes, correct? Well, that changed, for whatever arbitrary reason. Who's to say that the change can't reverse itself? The more reason there is for change to happen, the more likely it is to occur. With a boyfriend in your life, you're more likely to naturally gravitate towards him in terms of your sexual preference... unless he just really revolts you. xP

All in all, I wouldn't look at this as a 'set-in-stone' type of situation. Things can change.

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Hey g123, I also really like female sneezing but I'm heterosexual. Actually, I like both but I'm picky about which sneezes I like and it is hard to find good male stuff both on internet and in real life. I recently got into a relationship where the sneezing just doesn't really play a big role in being turned on or satisfied. Amazing, huh? I still use the fetish on my own but don't need it at all when I'm with him. And while his kind of sneeze wouldn't normally turn me on, I always look forward to hearing it. I never know when it will happen and it's just exciting when it does. My advice would be to focus on whether or not you like the person, the other stuff will follow naturally. Have fun!

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Thank you Mash, I appreciate your outlook on how things are always changing. It helps a lot, I'm just leaning more on the pessimistic side of the spectrum. I understand the thing about the fact that I'll lean towards my boyfriend's sneezes because I'll love him especially now when I think of a crush I had that *made* me like this boy's cold even though his sneezes were unattractive. Flower thank you too! You sound exactly like me with your sneeze preferences. That's great to know you don't necessarily need the fetish which has been one of the main worries for me. I think I'm focusing on the fetish what-ifs too much and ignoring the fact that I actually need to like the person. Thanks for the advice guys, it put things into perspective :)

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I'd advise not fixating too much on your current preference in terms of sneezing, because, like it was already said, things can change. I don't know about anyone else, but I always tend to go through 'phases' with my fetish where I'll prefer one gender's sneezes more than the other. You might just be in a 'phase' where you prefer female sneezing.

Also, regardless of what I prefer at any given moment in time, I still really like my fiancé's sneezing, because I'm just attracted to him completely. So, when you meet the right person, even if you're not into male sneezing in general, you'll probably find that their sneezes really do it for you, because you're attracted to them.

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Thank you MidnightPixie113. The phase thing makes sense. Seriously all of this advice has calmed me quite a bit. It's good to know that it's not necessarily the fetish that will define my relationships. :)

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Time and again this question comes up, and my experience is that in my midteens I went to an all boys school and was only really interested in male sneezes. Yet things steadily changed and byy the time I was 21 the interest was 90% female. And by that time I had discovered many of the other physical delights of heterosexuality. They sort of creep up on you if you don't worry too much about it.

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oh and p.s. - loving someone will help you also love their sneezes, male or female. Especially when you're in that "honeymoon" phase, they'll be a lot more appealing. You'll probably be dying to hear them sneeze, and if you're really in love and junk, I would think it wouldn't disappoint smile.png )

Totally on board with this comment! My boyfriend does not have the ideal sneeze sound that I prefer but I still yearn to hear him sneeze.

Also he's making a lot of effort to satisfy me by sneezing and for that I already love him. That it is not my preferred sound doesn't even matter, I'm still excited whenever he sneezes.

So as said before, don't worry too much, it will be okay!

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