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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Cold obs (m)


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Ok so for those of you that know me I'm a pretty sneezy guy (bad allergies :)) however I don't get colds very often. On Monday morning I woke up with a really sore throat, I didn't think much of it at first because I felt normal.

As the day went on my throat got worse and I started to feel a little unwell, so after work I had a early night to try and sleep it off!

I woke on tuesday to my horrible alarm, to discover I was now not only swallowing razors I couldn't breath through my nose. I sniffed hard to try and clear my nose, but as I did, i became overwhelmed with a huge tickle in my nose before I could even think I exploded in to a volley of huge wet sneezes 8 in total. Mostly uncovered but the last couple caught in my hanky.

As the week has developed so has my condition into full blown man flu! Constant sneezing fits of huge wet tickly sneezes, I have used so many hankies, my nose is red! Huge wet blows too! I will keep your all posted sorry for going on!

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Aww, this sounds bad, I'm sorry for you :(

Hope you feel better soon!

Don't get me wrong, but it also sounds very appealing =)

You don't have any videos on youtube, have you? *smiles sheepishly*

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Thanks for your comments, update, my throat is so sore it feels like its cut inside :( it doesn't help that in constantly coughing (ouch!!!). I have a constant itch in my throat an ears, and every 5 mins am exploding into a fit of rapid huge wet sneezes, all muffled into my hanky stash next to my bed! I hope this goes soon man flu sucks!!! :(

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Awww...sorry it's no better. I totally get it though. Feeling similar & my handkerchiefs have gotten a lot of use today.

Hope you start to feel better.

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Awww...sorry it's no better. I totally get it though. Feeling similar & my handkerchiefs have gotten a lot of use today.

Hope you start to feel better.

didnt know you were in to hankies, norcal.. :)

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