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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Induced: A strange self-obs


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Right, so, my fiancé knows that I'm somewhat photic. In the place we've just moved into, there's a light fixed to the wall above the bed. His favourite new game is to turn the light on when I'm not expecting it, and hope it makes me sneeze.

He tried it last night, and it sure as hell made my nose itch, but the sneeze got stuck. So he decides to take a strand of his hair, twirl it into a fine point and use it to induce me. It worked almost instantly. My sneezes are sort of medium pitched and a little bit forceful, sort of like 'Hah-tisshew'. I sneezed a double with a build up in between.

And then he proceeded to talk about how cute it was.

He doesn't even know I have the fetish, and I don't think he even suspects. I'm really starting to think he definately has the fetish.

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He doesn't even know I have the fetish, and I don't think he even suspects. I'm really starting to think he definately has the fetish.

I remember you started a thread about this when you first joined the forum. You sound even more certain now. Maybe you might want to take a small step (or two) to start slowly introducing this concept to him? Just a thought.

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Yeah, I'm sort of slowly getting there. Considering that he seems to enjoy inducing me, I think it'll be a lot easier to introduce the concept to him than I originally thought. :D

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