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If you are a DW fan, you have GOT to see the episode "The Power of Three".!!! It aired last night (Sept. 22) and there was a bit where Rory, Amy, and the Doctor are hiding under a bed, and the DOCTOR SNEEZED!!!!! My dad was watching it with me so I couldn't squeal or anything, but I was seriously exploding inside!!

If you saw this little bit of heaven, please please comment and let me know how you felt and if you freaked the hell out like I did!

Love, :heart: H

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To be truthfully honest, I was disappointed because it sounded so fake.

But Matt Smith's cuteness makes up for it :)

The circumstances were cute, I love sneezing while hiding and his guilty face after it was also sweet.

Still, I think he could put waaaay more effort in faking sneezes.

Anyway, we already got three sneezes from 11, that's more than in the previous seasons together, so I won't complain :)

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I thought this one actually sounded a lot more real than the others. I liked it because it seemed very true to character. It was kind of goofy, with a high-pitched vocal sound. Also, there was no build up, which suggests he was holding the sneeze in because they were hiding. It does sort of explode from him. :)

As grateful as I am for all this 11th Doctor sneeziness, it does make me regretful that we never got one from Ten. David Tennant is such a brilliant actor, you just know his sneezes would be realistic and spectacular. The writers should have the whole time travel thing figured out by now. Come on, go back in time and give us a few!

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I thought this one actually sounded a lot more real than the others. I liked it because it seemed very true to character. It was kind of goofy, with a high-pitched vocal sound. Also, there was no build up, which suggests he was holding the sneeze in because they were hiding. It does sort of explode from him. smile.png

As grateful as I am for all this 11th Doctor sneeziness, it does make me regretful that we never got one from Ten. David Tennant is such a brilliant actor, you just know his sneezes would be realistic and spectacular. The writers should have the whole time travel thing figured out by now. Come on, go back in time and give us a few!

Agreed :) There is the nice real one from in Confidential though...I can just imagine he would be REALLY good at fake sneezing, because he has allergies and such (kind of like Mr. McAvoy!)

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What?...What?!?!?!....WHAT?!?!? (Nooo, not trying to imitate 10^^)

He...he has got allergies? Seriously?

Wow, what is he allergic too? I kind of missed this O.O

I'm dying to see more sneezes by him. He's just so awesome <3

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Well here's the link, I'm not going to go search for the thread but I know there is one somewhere on the forum:

He is confirmed allergic to horses, I think to other animals as well.

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