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Emmys 2012


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Anyone going to be watching tonight?

I'm trying to spot Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman on the red carpet without too much luck, but there's still the awards!

I'll be rooting for them, for sure.

Anyone you'll be rooting for?

or am I the only one watching

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I mean... uh... yes. Yes, I might check out Tumblr every once in a while to see what's going on. :whistle:

Cumberbatch looks too gorgeous for words on the red carpet. Hnnngh.

Edited by VoOs
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spoilers for those who are pvring and what not,

but sadly, Martin didn't win best supporting actor for Sherlock ahhh

Well Benedict's up next, and then the show itself, right? dssf;sadl

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Ah well, better luck next time, boys!

(BC is still my winner, though, if nothing else so because of this. Outstanding Dork in a Leading Role. :yay::inlove: )

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Ah well, better luck next time, boys!

(BC is still my winner, though, if nothing else so because of this. Outstanding Dork in a Leading Role. :yay::inlove: )

Better luck next time, indeed! Awards or not, it's fantastic that they even were nominated, right?

Ah, the napkins. :lol: Benedict is the biggest and most lovable goober, I swear to god.

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Oh yes...

I've got one thing to say and that's: Glenn, what is wrong with you this year, for the fucks sake???

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I watch mainly for Jon Stewart, and he won for the 10th year in a row. :) I was majorly disappointed with the awards this year though. They didn't air as many categories. They also didn't let the nominees introduce themselves in a 10 second spot like they did last year.

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