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Should I double my major?


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I'm taking Crimimal Justice as my main major but, I was also thinking of taking another since I'm trying to be a Sex Crimes Detective And, also become a Victims Advocate does anyone else think it would be toomuch to do?? Should I wait to winter semester???..

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Well, only if you bear an uncanny resemblance to him, and the operation requires you to act as a decoy to deceive Gerry as to his actual position.....

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Well, only if you bear an uncanny resemblance to him, and the operation requires you to act as a decoy to deceive Gerry as to his actual position.....

You confused me completly....
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I *think* that count was having a play on the word "major".

Anyway... I doubled majored in my undergrad, I started with a course as sort of a "trial" to see if I really like it. I also tried to figure out if I'd be able to graduate when I wanted to with my majors. My advice would be to look at both areas, and see what the required courses would be and if any of your current requirement could fulfill both areas. You could always take a course and see if you really like it. I don't think that it would take anything away from your main area of study if you end up deciding that it is too much at once.

I wouldn't take too many courses over winter term though- at least at my university- they were brutal.

I wish that I had some more specific knowledge about that area of study. Wishing you the best! :hug::)

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I do apologize; I certainly shouldn't have posted that before someone sensible had replied. What can I say; it was getting late, I seemed to have read a number of posts of which I understood not a single word, and what this reminded me of was the classic 50s film "I was Monty's double".

What is a semester; I've always wanted to know? I know it's a period of six months, but I've never understood how that works.

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Semesters at least here in the States are basically the period of time that an average university class lasts during a certain season. It's not 6 months. Most universities have 16 week semesters for fall and spring term (an alternate word for semester), winter term is 3 weeks- so it is a Very compressed semester. And summer term at my university is 12 weeks, but most of the classes are only partial semester courses (6 weeks).

@lovelylove - that makes sense- winter term is killer. I did a French class over winter term a couple years ago- I had French coming out of my ears.

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