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How many hankies/tissues do you use in a day?


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just wondering..

nuff said really..

personally i normally use 1 hanky.. really sufficient

use to use like at least 4-6 tissues a day..probly for less blows..<3 my hankies

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Kinda depends on how sneezy i am that day... Today was at least 7 tissues

would probly equal not even a whole hanky if you had some yet xP

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  • 4 months later...
  • 5 months later...

I usually start the day by opening my top drawer and grabbing a fresh bra, fresh panties and TWO fresh hankies! Most days, though, I only use one hanky, if at all. Some days are extra sneezy and then I need two, but I've never needed three.

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I never use hankies, but when I'm sick, I'll go through 8-10 tissues a day, plus and additonal 4 during the night...

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  • 10 months later...

I never use hankies, but when I'm sick, I'll go through 8-10 tissues a day, plus and additonal 4 during the night...

^I second this

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  • 3 weeks later...

In general its usually one hanky per day for the odd sneeze and sniifle. I always have a fresh one at the start of each day.

If I have a cold it can be up o 7 hankies per day and some tissues.

Because of the job I do, I tend to have an allergy to wheat, oats and sometimes rapeseed and it can result in about 3 hankies per day

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Normally, I only use one hanky a day - but I tend to carry two just in case. Plus I always carry pocket-pack tisues, never know when you or someone else is going to need them! I also often use tissues when I'm at home with a cold or hayfever, and can go through a huge amount of them quite quickly because of the way I blow my nose. I've always blown my nose hard and loud, holding it in both hands, sounding like a foghorn, so even when I take two or more mansize tissues at once and fold them together, I still tend to pretty much shred them with my honking blows...

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For me, getting clean tissues is part of getting dressed. Just as I'm about ready to leave the house the last thing I do is take two large tissues from the box, fold them into squares and tuck them both up my sleeve. If i'm not wearing a suitable sleeve then I will put them in my bag but I normally use my sleeve. If I have a really bad cold I tend to put a hankie up my sleeve and carry pocket packs of tissues to "blow and throw".

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