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Sneeze Fetish Forum


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I'm not big on church but, I promised my great grandma as we gathered around the tables I look at my surroundings i'm just that observant at times lol.... My ears and eyes focused on a young woman mid-20s she was sniffling and wiping her nose she had blonde hair and a thin build her nose was small andnslender and, pinkish by from what I could see she looked like she was fighting off sneezing i didn't wanna be obvious so, i tried not to stare a few moments passed and, she sneezed "Itchshii." sounding an blow her nose with a hanky (red and white checkered) she sniffled and sneezed again a few blessednhernshe sounded stuffy she mumbled a "thanks." than a older man next to me brownish hairngreen eyes average build turned away and sneezed "Ahhehchoo." (horrible at spelling sneezes) hensniffed I whispered "bless you." he smiled his thanks Maybe, this church thing isn't so bad

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Nice hanky use, lovley obs smile.png

It was not much into hanky use but, lovely never the less

are you into hanky use/noseblowing lovelylovexoxo?

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This sounds great! This year I am more regular in going to Church then ever, but I've never got any good obs... :/

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This sounds great! This year I am more regular in going to Church then ever, but I've never got any good obs... :/

I just started to go back and, the obs are nice I was shocked I even heard any most times you don't
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