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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Bless you fetish?


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Hi guys,

I've recently come to the conclusion (since me and my boyfriend have got together really) that I feel I have gained a fetish to people saying 'bless you' as well. I've half told my boyfriend and I'm not too sure he gets it. (':

I do enjoy being blessed a real lot and hearing it when I sneeze makes me happy.

Does anybody else feel like they have this?

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I can't say I do, but I must admit I am curious--do you think you like hearing "bless you" because it shows that the people around you are in tune with you? Or perhaps it's that being blessed draws everyone's attention to the fact that you've just sneezed? :) Either way, interesting little variation!

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You're certainly not alone here- many people have mentioned a similar thing before on the forum. You might be interested to read this topic or this topic.

Of course- there's nothing wrong with having this nice new thread on the subject. :)

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Subtle Feather - thanks for your reply. I think a bit of both really. And I am a total manners freak as well. *blushes*

Heathcliff - thanks for the topics, really interesting to see I'm not alone and thanks for the moral support. Haha (:

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Um yes I definitely have this! I'm working closely with this guy at the moment (who is married but I have a major crush on him anyway that can never go anywhere but oh well), and I really want to sneeze in front of him just to see if he blesses me or not. The trouble is, I rarely get sick and I never sneeze unless I have a cold, uh sigh.

It works the other way as well, he had a sneezing fit in front of me back in march, and I got such a kick from blessing him as well as from the fit itself.

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*raises hand*

I have this too! I love blessing an attractive sneezer, or hearing them bless others

I'm not sure I can explain why.......

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Hey sneezeadorer, why don't you try fake sneezing? If you're brave enough go for it. I've tried this a few times and its worked. I've actually taught myself how to do a pretty convincing fake sneeze. (:

Good luck (:

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It's good to know that I'm not alone on this guys. I was kind of skeptical about posting but now I feel a lot more comfortable about it. Thank you everyone (:

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I totally have this, too! I've also found that some people say it better than others. For example, I *LOVE* the way my Foreign Language teacher says "bless you" It makes me grin like an idiot. Wish I could work up the nerve to get over the mental block, though I'd probably blush and/or spaz out if he blessed me...

anyways, yeah! You're not alone! Blessing or being blessed is half the fun!

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Over the past year of properly acknowledging my sneeze kink, I have definitely become a bless you whore. Soooo often I consider fake sneezing just to try and get a bless you, but I haven't worked up the courage yet. I just wish I sneezed more to I could get one. If I don't get a bless you when I sneeze, I get really annoyed. Unacknowledged sneezes are the most awkward thing ever.

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Sneezy princess, I wish I could! I'm just worried that it would come across as fake, that would be the most awkward and mortifying thing ever...basically I'm just hoping that the cold weather in the uk will make one of us sneeze (I feel totally evil saying that)...

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I used to despise it when I was younger. However, I have now become a bit obsessed with it. And I agree with the fact that some people say it better than others. LOL I loved being blessed by fellow forum members, that is insanely hot! And I have found that there are people out there, who I hope one day to be blessed by, because I love the way they say it to other people. Yes, a fairly new obsession for me!

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Sneezeadorer. Okay hopefully. I also live in the uk so the weather hasn't been too amazing.

Had some lovely observations from my boyfriend however. (:

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  • 2 months later...

Over the past year of properly acknowledging my sneeze kink, I have definitely become a bless you whore. Soooo often I consider fake sneezing just to try and get a bless you, but I haven't worked up the courage yet. I just wish I sneezed more to I could get one. If I don't get a bless you when I sneeze, I get really annoyed. Unacknowledged sneezes are the most awkward thing ever.

This... yes! Bless you whore is exactly how I would describe myself haha. I honestly feel a little insulted if nobody blesses me. I have 3 particularly close friends (my college family lol) here at schools. My 2 boys bless me, but not my girl. Unfortunately that girl is my roommate so she hears me sneeze the most!

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I can't stand it when people don't bless!!! I see it like as rude! But I do get that many people wouldn't. They're just wrong. haha kidding. But I feel like...hello, I just sneezed! Its a nice gesture to show you care and notice me.

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