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For Sherlock Holmes fans (of book, movies, series, etc)


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I found this book at the library the other day


I had to get it through inter-library loan, so I'm waiting on it, but I can't wait till it comes in. It looks really interesting. Knowing some of my fellow Sherlock lovers around here, I thought that I would share, and see what you thought of the idea- or if you've actually read it - what you think of the book. I'll put down some thoughts (without spoilers) once I've read it. :)

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  • 10 months later...

So I know I'm like.....really really ridiculously late on this, but that looks really interesting to me. If you're still interested in posting your thoughts and such, I'd love to hear about it. :)

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So I know I'm like.....really really ridiculously late on this, but that looks really interesting to me. If you're still interested in posting your thoughts and such, I'd love to hear about it. :)

Ditto. No idea how I missed this the first time around, either.

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  • 1 month later...

It's a super good book, yes.

My other fave is Exit Sherlock Holmes by Robert Lee Hall. Anyone heard of that?

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