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I did it!


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I'm a singer, and I went through an unfortunate 4-year lay period in which I stopped singing completely and lost a LOT of my range. 4 years ago, I had a full 6-octave range. An extended lower range, extended falsetto, some whistles, and everything in between. When I stopped singing, I lost that. I had not belted a note in 4 years...until today. I wanted to tell someone, so I came here. This may be one of the best moments of my life. I feel I'm on my way to getting back up there. I already have my lower range covered, working on some of the falsetto, but finally belting is huge for me. I'm getting there!

Edited by purpleninja
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A-a 6 octive range?!!!! WOW that's amazing! I sing too but I can't even begin to imagine having a range like that..... EVER. Yaaayyyy I'm so happy for you!! Keep at it! Good luck :D

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