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Sneeze Fetish Forum

A classroom full of girls forced to blow their noses


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So something happened today in my government class today. We have 10 people in the class and all of us are 17-18, and the teacher is a female in her mid to late thirties to early forties(still really fit and sexy though haha) I go to a uniformed school as well, so for those of y'all with your schoolgirl fetish in addition, here is some gold for you :P

So here's a run down of the ten girls

1) (me) tall brunette

2) Cuban fashionista that ALWAYS sneezes in class in multiples, extremely girly

3) bigger, blonde girl with glasses

4) cute, sheltered, brown curly hair, face like a mouse, with glasses, and a few freckles

5) sportsy, short brunette with a cute face

6) my mexican best friend (at least that's the nickname she gave herself lol) Short, petite, and long black hair in a bun

7) REALLY hot girl whom is my friend and also happened to be sick during all of this (she had te husky voice and everything) Anyway, she's like a brunette barbie, long hair and blue eyes and semi short

8) a semi redhead ish petite girl with a strike of blonde in her hair with a tiny nose

9) an oriental gal with pointy nose

10) my other best friend whom is so short and super skinny but makes up with it in her personality

And the teacher- well dressed, petite brunette with wild brown hair

Anyway, the teacher is at we desk as we are copying down some stuff from the text book, and suddenly we hear a huge honk

She tells us "Guys, everyone has to come get a kleenex RIGHT NOW"

We looked around in stupor for a sec before girl2 asked "why? "

She said "Just... Come try these... They're freakin amazing!!!"

We all kind of hesitantly got up and took one. I, at the time, was thinkin to myself "oh god the people on the forum are gonna LOVE THIS"

So I have the first honk and apparently kleenex has made these kleenexes that are cold to the touch and don't hurt your nose. Girl 2 follow after with a loud honk, as did girl 6 and 8. Girl 7 followed with an earshattering honk And was like "omg these thigs are amazing"

The rest of the girls soon after followed with quiet blows, and exclaimed how cool those were.

After I sat back down I realized the tissue had irritated my nose so I grabbed another one and headed out into the hallway where I gave a HUGE blow that resonated off the walls to my surprise (heh was embarrassed)

But yeah, today was somewhat of what I'd call a noseblowing fetishists dream day, so i felt obligated to share (as I'm not one lol )

I hope yall enjoy :)


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Sexyhankysneeze, I do sometimes and sometimes the Cuban girl does too.

thats awesome :)

how many hankies do you have and what do they look like?

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Nice to see you around again. Merodii. Now I know better than to ask people to explain this fetishistic ritual involving having to get up in front of the form in order to sneeze or blow one's nose, because people just can't accept how fetishy it is.

So my question is, could you describe the uniform involved [to make sure no forum rules are being nudged, and against Texan law, perhaps only those over 18]. Have we moved on from short, pleated or wraparound skirts?

Whatever the case, it sounds like a lovely experience, and I hope it gave you lots of top sneezes too......

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Nice to see you around again. Merodii. Now I know better than to ask people to explain this fetishistic ritual involving having to get up in front of the form in order to sneeze or blow one's nose, because people just can't accept how fetishy it is.

So my question is, could you describe the uniform involved [to make sure no forum rules are being nudged, and against Texan law, perhaps only those over 18]. Have we moved on from short, pleated or wraparound skirts?

Whatever the case, it sounds like a lovely experience, and I hope it gave you lots of top sneezes too......

Nice to see you around again. Merodii. Now I know better than to ask people to explain this fetishistic ritual involving having to get up in front of the form in order to sneeze or blow one's nose, because people just can't accept how fetishy it is.

So my question is, could you describe the uniform involved [to make sure no forum rules are being nudged, and against Texan law, perhaps only those over 18]. Have we moved on from short, pleated or wraparound skirts?

Whatever the case, it sounds like a lovely experience, and I hope it gave you lots of top sneezes too......

Ah, well they are to our knees, but sometimes we outgrow ours so they go to our mid leg. Its just the plated skirt with a white or blue collared, no forum rules being broken here.

It was a surreal experience, and though I am not in particular a noseblowing fan, this struck me as something you and others could enjoy.

I meant to post this in the observations section, however.

I really wish I could find some of those cool tissues now.

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Nice to see you around again. Merodii. Now I know better than to ask people to explain this fetishistic ritual involving having to get up in front of the form in order to sneeze or blow one's nose, because people just can't accept how fetishy it is.

So my question is, could you describe the uniform involved [to make sure no forum rules are being nudged, and against Texan law, perhaps only those over 18]. Have we moved on from short, pleated or wraparound skirts?

Whatever the case, it sounds like a lovely experience, and I hope it gave you lots of top sneezes too......

Nice to see you around again. Merodii. Now I know better than to ask people to explain this fetishistic ritual involving having to get up in front of the form in order to sneeze or blow one's nose, because people just can't accept how fetishy it is.

So my question is, could you describe the uniform involved [to make sure no forum rules are being nudged, and against Texan law, perhaps only those over 18]. Have we moved on from short, pleated or wraparound skirts?

Whatever the case, it sounds like a lovely experience, and I hope it gave you lots of top sneezes too......

Ah, well they are to our knees, but sometimes we outgrow ours so they go to our mid leg. Its just the plated skirt with a white or blue collared, no forum rules being broken here.

It was a surreal experience, and though I am not in particular a noseblowing fan, this struck me as something you and others could enjoy.

I meant to post this in the observations section, however.

I really wish I could find some of those cool tissues now.

thank you for this! :) this is by far the most unique obs i think ive seen

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  • 3 weeks later...

That is absolutely unreal! I probably would have flunked every class after that, and ended up working at 7-11.


I have to echo everyone else here...that's a pretty awesome obs. Normally, I don't really pay any attention to (female) nose blowing, but that is just too amazing not to make note of! Thanks for telling us all about it, Merodii!

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  • 1 month later...

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