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Who would prefer to have a partner who used hankies rather than tissues?


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Just saying, i think it would be much better as to me, hankies have always seemed sexier, and tissues are just...

...less good

wondered who else would agree?

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I could go either way but, i'm a fan of tissue-blowing as I haven't really met a hanky-user first hand i may change my. mind later at the moment i'm on the other side of the fence

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Hankies gross me out (don't shoot me!). I don't know what it is, they just remind me of old people which reminds me of my parents (not that they're really old but still) and parents+fetish=Big no no. I like the thought of sleeve wiping and towel wiping but it's just the hankie thing ew. I'm open to someone changing my mind but at the moment it's tissues all the way :P

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I think paper is the natural choice, and here's why. When the earliest humans had a runny nose and looked around for something to blow into, they picked the most logical, accessible thing... a low-hanging leaf, not a silkworm's ass. :nohappy: That would be too flimsy, and the worm wouldn't enjoy it very much. Well, maybe some would. ;) And cotton would take too long to grow, assuming they had the proper seeds, soil and climate to begin with. They would have drowned in their own snot by then.

That's my theory anyway. I know, I'm a regular Bill Nye.

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I think paper is the natural choice, and here's why. When the earliest humans had a runny nose and looked around for something to blow into, they picked the most logical, accessible thing... a low-hanging leaf, not a silkworm's ass. no2.gif That would be too flimsy, and the worm wouldn't enjoy it very much. Well, maybe some would. wink.png And cotton would take too long to grow, assuming they had the proper seeds, soil and climate to begin with. They would have drowned in their own snot by then.

That's my theory anyway. I know, I'm a regular Bill Nye.

dude, no one blows their nose much on silk hankies anyway

and the earliest humans probably just blew into the open air, straight to the ground; leaves arent very absorbent

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It's been a lot of years since I had a partner who used hankies. I know if I did have, I would be sneaking a look inside them at every opportunity the way I did when my previous partner put her used tissue in the bin and left the room.

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I think paper is the natural choice, and here's why. When the earliest humans had a runny nose and looked around for something to blow into, they picked the most logical, accessible thing... a low-hanging leaf, not a silkworm's ass. no2.gif

Hahahahahahaha! Touche sweatdrop.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

nothing is more feminine and a big turn on to see a F using a a pretty, delicate cotton handkerchief!

dude, i completely agree :)

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