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Anyone Bones/SVU fans out there?..


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BONES. :heart:

The series is fantastic, although I still think it is a terrible pity they got rid of TWO of the most charming lab assistants. :( Also clever how they managed to make it take five seasons to - hang on, am I being a huge spoiler-mongerer here? I'll shut up now for safety's sake. Are you all on track with the show?

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To be entirely honest, the show, while fantastic, has lost some of its luster for me. :( I'm going to hide the spoilers in a lighter color, so highlight if you want to see:

I'm glad Booth and Brennan are together now, but it feels a little forced. They have a child, they're a family, but that sexual tension is gone. I'm also not sure if I like the way Brennan has changed.

Maybe I'm just being too critical. :lol: I'm still going to watch the show, though.

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Hmm... yeah. I must admit I have to agree with you there, Spoo. Still, Booth. HRNG. :wub: And I think Max is my favourite character, all in all.


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BOOOOOTH. David Boreanaz is painfully attractive. I love his build and just...mmm. Can we get another grass allergy episode or what? :rolleyes:

HAHAHA. I loved Gordon Gordon! :laugh: I also had a thing for Wendell. He's a cutie. :wub:

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