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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Sneezy classmate (M)


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Today had been a ordinary day had a early morning so, I was just hoping to get through the day. Than I noticed one of my guy classmates sniffling and looked completly miserable I was now interested he had dark hair and, green/blue eyes 6'2ish cute nose and, like hot as hell I was concentrating on my work when I heard "Ehhhitchoo," nice buildup and sneeze he sniffed and, his breath hitched and he sneezedntwo more times i was now focusing on him. He sniffled loud and, blew his nosenandnthan sneezeed againn i blessed him and, asked if he was ok he sniffed 'Thags.' he said my hesrt meelted he mentioned he had a cold Hmmm too bad I don't know him cuz, he made my day

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Wow that sounds HOT!! Keep an eye on that one!

Most def wished I knew him outside of class :P

Wow... again: hot people, hot people everywhere.

Thank you for sharing!

Ohh I know I'm loving the observations alot especially when the sneezer is attractive makes it that much better
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Wow! i'm not normally into guy sneezes but that kinda sounds hot..

Ohmahgosh it was and, he still has a cold too :P
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Hot guys with sneezy colds?! Count me in! (Ohmigosh my dad almost saw me replying to this...:s) Anyway nice obs! Can't wait to hear more about him.

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Hot guys with sneezy colds?! Count me in! (Ohmigosh my dad almost saw me replying to this...:s) Anyway nice obs! Can't wait to hear more about him.

Oh my gosh I'd die if ne of my family found out. :0 and, me too i have more obs to post about him :D
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