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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Am I the only one?.....


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I am sure this has been posted before but, anyway I've always been afraid to sneeze in front of anyone and, especially in public I get all red in the face and, shy I don't know if it's my mental block or I am just that afraid...I wish I could get over it though my allergies are horrible at times and, well is there any ideas how to get over being afraid?...

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you're not the only one and i guess the best advice is to accept that people dont really care too much if you sneeze (unless they have the fetish ;))

and just to try sneezing in public semi-on purpose, because you only get over mental blocks by pushing through them :)

it worked for me

not just sneezing:

and for nose blowing in general

using handkerchiefs

sniffling even

being able to tell people i had a cold

etc. etc.

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Let's hope one day I get over it lol....

yeah. that'd be good :)

I did just sneeze but, sadly i'm at home if only i were still at the hospital
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Let's hope one day I get over it lol....

yeah. that'd be good smile.png

I did just sneeze but, sadly i'm at home if only i were still at the hospital

:o why were you at hospital?

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Let's hope one day I get over it lol....

yeah. that'd be good smile.png

I did just sneeze but, sadly i'm at home if only i were still at the hospital

:o why were you at hospital?

No not me my grandfather is
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Let's hope one day I get over it lol....

yeah. that'd be good smile.png

I did just sneeze but, sadly i'm at home if only i were still at the hospital

7.gif why were you at hospital?

No not me my grandfather is

glad you're fine :)

hope he's okay

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  • 2 weeks later...

I stop myself from sneezing in public mainly because I have a very hard time sneezing quietly. It's always a rather large explosion followed by everyone in a half mile radius looking in my direction. I've gotten quite good at not sneezing in public though. In fact at the last job I worked at I only sneezed once in front of customers. Although I also had a sound proof office, so when I was in there I could let em go full strength. There were a few times that I ran to the office just to sneeze. lol

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