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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Do you put sneezing in your non-fetish writing


Sneezing in your non-fetish writing  

51 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you like to make your characters sneeze?

    • I like making my male characters sneeze
    • I like making my female characters sneeze
    • I like making my other-gendered characters sneeze
    • I like making both male and female characters sneeze
    • I like making characters of all genders sneeze.
    • I don't like to include sneezing in my non-fetish writing
    • I want to include sneezing in my non-fetish writing but I am afraid to
    • I don't write non-fetish stories or I don't write

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I guess I haven't been as active as I once was, but anyway, I thought I'd set up a poll just for fun. I've been working on this novel since April and I'm at a part where I made the female character sneeze and...yeah, I really, really like to make my lead female characters sneeze.blushing.gif I asked this question on the other forum and most other writers said they like to make their characters in their non-fetish writing sneeze as well. I thought it might be fun to make a poll and see where everyone stands on the issue of putting sneezing in their non-fetish stories. It doesn't matter what kind of fiction you write as long as its not intended solely for this community. I think I have most of the possible options included here. tonguesmiley.gif

Edit: I'll also add that I woudl try not to draw too much attention to the sneezes, though sometimes that's not always easy. I also have no problems having more than one instance of sneezing in the book. In another book that I've written, there are two major female characters, and they both sneeze at some point in the book. I would also not have an issue with making one female character sneeze in two more more instances of the book if that could be implemented without drawing too much attention to it. If its a long book (novel length) and there is a major female character, I would try to make her sneeze at least once in the book. :P

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Interesting poll! I love to imagine my non-fetish fiction characters sneezing, but actually never actually allow them to sneeze in what I write down. Somehow it makes my non-fetish work feel awkward, or kind of loaded with meaning that only I will get. I have read several books from authors whom I suspect have some vestige of the fetish - once you have included three or more sneezing scenes in a novel, I would say your feelings are clear :D

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This is a slightly difficult question as I haven't written much non-fetishy fiction since joining the forum (for several reasons).

If I look back at everything I wrote before than that wasn't in the "pure self-indulgence"-folder, pretty much every story I've written up to a certain age has some fetishy elements in it. Not necessarily sneezing, but some form of illness.

Later, when I became more self-conscious, I wrote more without any fetishy elements, but also started a novel based around allergies, so I think that balances out. :P So overall: I do like to include some fetishy elements into my non-fetishy writing, generally as a (minor) plot point, with characters of both genders.

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I voted yes for male characters since I guess I fit your definition of the fiction not being solely intended for this community. I have a bunch of WIP fanfics (plus many more in my head that I haven't even started to write), which largely feature sneezing as a part of the story, and could definitely be considered fetish fics, but I write them in such a way that I would feel fairly comfortable sharing them with fanfic communities. For example in these fanfics, I won't spell out the sneezes at all(though I never do this anymore anyway since I got sick of it and describing the sneezes is just more satisfying to me as a writer), and there will never be any mentions of any characters getting turned on by the sneezing, and I most likely would never include other certain things like inducing. If I feel the need to add these elements to the story then I would only share it with this community, or write a separate version for fanfic communities where I leave that stuff out.

There's also the fact that in a bunch of my stories I will include allergy stuff that's more severe than sneezing, which might not necessarily appeal to people on this forum(but it wouldn't stop me from sharing it here), but people in fanfic communities might enjoy it for the hurt/comfort aspect.

I have a whole bunch of fanfics in my head that are actually a series, and while a bunch of the stories in this series do contain sneezing/allergies as a focus, there are some stories in the series which make no mention of these things at all. So I guess the entire thing as a whole could be classified as a non-fetish work that contains quite a bit of sneezing. :laugh:

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I adore writing for fun, but I have never really published anything... but yes, I do sometimes include sneezing. Without spelling or drawing to much attention to it if it isn't important.

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I'm currently in the process of writing a novel, but I could never put any sort of sneezing in it. For a start, I can't think of anywhere that it'd fit without seeming like obvious self-indulgence on my part and secondly I'd be entirely uncomfortable with sharing it with anyone outside of the fetish community.

I also do a lot of roleplaying outside the fetishy realms and I can't include sneezing in that, either.

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I do a lottt of writing and it's always sort of fun to include a sneeze (often just in writing exercises about the characters rather than in the actual story), as an extra way of getting to know the character, if that makes sense. As a fetishist it just seems like such an important part of them. It's the only time where gender doesn't really make a difference about my interest level.

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I don't like it. There is a VERY clearly defined boundary between my non-fetishy and my fetishy writings, and it's not just there with possible readers in mind. It's a compartmentalisation of personal taste. In my mind, they're like two completely different genres: the "non-fetish fiction" genre isn't supposed to contain any fetishy material at all, if possible. Of course, sometimes my characters will get ill, as is only natural; but it's almost like I consider my characters in non-fetish fiction to have "better things to do". :lol: The whole fetishy thing always feels a bit like describing characters' toilet habits, almost.

In short, I think I'm with NoV on this one. :)

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Usually not, but if I feel the character needs to be taken down a notch, I usually give them allergies.. mainly because then I can have fetishy fun with my characters on the side, if I imagine them to have allergies from the beginning.

Current main character has all the right characteristics, is very attractive, does have allergies, does sneeze at one point... but she's off the limit when it comes to fetish feelings. She's just too freakin' evil, even for me to enjoy. I do torture her with her allergies, but don't get any fetish pleasure out of it. :rolleyes:

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Yes, definitely. I started out writing a lot of things where the characters got sick or had allergies, before I understood that my interest was a fetish. I was showing off my writing all over the place. If I suddenly stopped, it would probably seem suspicious to people who were used to my work. Also, I have several characters who are well-developed and important to my current work, that I need to have these traits. For example, one character has severe allergies and asthma which dominate his life, and that's used for the purpose of talking about health insurance and poor people's access to it. It's also used to make a plot point at the end of the story that I really can't replace with something else. Most people know that I'm INTERESTED in this kind of thing, and don't even blink when I show them a story with it. I do find myself limiting it a lot more in non-fetish writing though. It'll be there, but it's not the focus, and I definitely don't spell sneezes out.

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I remember when you and I used to discuss this! Love this topic! I generally do throw a few sneezes into my non-fetish writing. I prefer to make my hmain male characters sneeze, but have included a lot of female sneezes over the years as well. And unless my story invovles a character getting sick or having allergies, the sneezing is usually pretty light. But if a character or two happen to get sick, well then they sneeze a lot. LOL

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't really vote, because I don't make them sneeze, but I DID manage to work in a mention of one charecters allergies in a non-fetish piece that I'm working on.

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I'm kind of caught between not liking to include it in my non-fetish writing and wanting to but being afraid to. I've thought of it, and I like writing little side stories for myself where my characters sneeze. But somehow, adding sneezing to my non-fetish stuff doesn't feel right because I always think that if I added sneezing somewhere, everyone would automatically be like IT'S A FETISHIST! Or I'd go overboard with them, so I just leave them out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I tend to be in a certain mindset when I am writing and for some reason it never it crosses my mind while I am in that mindset.

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Generally speaking, I don't like to do it. If I want to write something that makes me all hot and bothered, I do my own fetish-specific writing.

I'd probably even be a little uncomfortable even writing down words like "sneeze", "cold", "allergies", etc in non-fetish writing...logically I know that, unless I go into lots of specific detail, no one who reads my work will ever even suspect that I might have a fetish...but it still makes me feel odd, personally. For some reason, I don't have the same hangups involving sneezing myself, or having a conversation with non-fetishists about sneezing. Writing is just more personal to me, somehow, even if I'm not writing about myself. Perhaps that doesn't make sense...but there you have it.

I also agree with those people who say that it has to "fit" organically with the rest of the plot/flow of the general story. Maybe I'll find an occasion to include a sneeze or two in a future (non-fetish) work, but until then, I'm leaving all mentions of "wrongness" out of my non-fetish writing.

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Yes,only to my male characters though, ^^;

I only do it if they are in the rain,have illnesses or allergies.

I did a "Ha-tieew!" Once,then kept and saying "sneeze" or just a regular "Achoo!"

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I didn't for the longest time, but I'm more comfortable with it now. I just have to keep telling myself that people without the fetish don't bat an eyelash at the mention of sneezing and don't find it suspicious when it gets mentioned. So with that in mind, I can usually talk myself into including a few if the plot calls for it. XD As long as I don't do into detail about the sneezes, I think I come across pretty inconspicuous.

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I was thinking about this. It's been really strange with an original pairing that I've done *specifically* for the fetish, but... as time has gone on I can't "go there" unless it happens to fall within the plot. It's odd- I mean obviously it isn't that I disassociate the fetish with them; but I just feel that the characters are *just* there for that. However, I don't ever consider my writings (well... any of them really) to be *real* pieces of writing.

Additionally- maybe it is because of how I started with the original writing that I've done the most on- I just absolutely cannot imagine sharing it/them with anyone other than on here...

Yeah... so... odd answer, but there you have it.

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I don't usually put actual sneezing in my non-fetish writing, but I sometimes give characters colds, just because I know I can get away with it. shifty.gif

I also like writing erotic poetry that can be read as fetishy, as long as you know what you're looking for.

Edited by VoOs
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Although I don't write fiction very much anymore, it is quite evident in almost all of my previous stories that have more than 15 pages (lol) have the male protagonist sneezing. And this was all before I knew this was a fetish, like when I was 12-15 years old. Pretty weird, and I have thought about this before but it still is interesting.

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Was idly writing a Star Trek piece a while back. It was part of a series, and the engineer and pilot characters were both female. The engineer was this young and shy Bajoran character (Bajoran being a Trek species that basically looks Human) and the pilot was basically this Caitian (essentially a humanoid cat with a long tail) who was promiscuous and confident.

I mean. I'm an awful writer, as you can tell from those massively cliched character tropes, but these two end up in a relationship. I was using the characters, in tandem with some others, to explore gender roles. Now, the story talking about was early so I was setting up their backgrounds and having them get to know each other over some generic task. Basically, while the Cat is flirting, the other woman accidentally causes some fine powder to burst out and it made her sneeze twice. The cat finds this cute. Obviously detail was limited because ohgodwhatifpeoplerealise but yeah.

Now, I'm no furry, but those two are totally going to have fetishy sex in the inevitable fetish fic I write. Lol.

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What using ends up happening is a hurt/comfort scene, I'll put some sneezing in there but it's a tad rare. I tend to keep my other writings seperate from my fetish stuff because I tend to go overboard with it >_>

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Thanks for all the interesting responses, everybody. :)

I can think of only a couple of published books that I've read where the sneezing was an actual plot-point (the Rachel Morgan series, as well as Stephen King's The Tommyknockers) and most of the time when it appears in fiction its usually situational. The sneeze could be cut from the book, but if the character is in a really dusty room, is cold and/or wet, etc. then it might be conceivable that they might sneeze though nothing in the story requires them to do so; and so they sneeze anyway. It can be fun to sometimes find other ways to implement sneezing, but as I said before, I make sure not to go overboard with it because I wouldn't want to draw too much attention to it. ;) And I never spell it out either. :P

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Mwahaha...the story I'm writing for NaNoWriMo is going to have a sneezing scene in it later. My character, Mr. Bradley (who's a high school teacher), is going to take a sick day, and then my heroine Abby (his student, a senior) is going to show up at his place after school to see how he's doing. And yes, this ends up being a romance...I seriously I am psyched about this story. :D

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