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What song do you want at your funeral?


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Bit of a weird question, but an interesting one!

Cause you really don't know when you're gonna meet your creator, so you must as well prepare yourself for the journey to six feet under.

This song basically summed up my whole life, and I couldn't never figure out what this song was called...

I would have To Build a Home by The Cinematic Orchestra, at my funeral.

What about you? :)

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Ashes To Ashes (David Bowie)

It's my favourite song in any case, but it will also save someone the trouble of saying those words..............


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Well, I don't get to decide that, do I? I mean, there's no saying who will be there at my funeral, but I think I can say for certain that I myself will not be - not consciously, that is.

I think it's a good idea for people to sing together. Some easy songs of comfort and warmth. Maybe some silly funny songs to take the edge off. Possibly a bit of mellow blues to start with. But again: I get no say in it because I won't be there. I'll leave it for those who will be burdened with the task of organising my funeral to decide.

A funeral is for the benefit of the bereaved, not the deceased. :yes:

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I get no say in it because I won't be there. I'll leave it for those who will be burdened with the task of organising my funeral to decide.

A funeral is for the benefit of the bereaved, not the deceased. yes.gif

Maru, I agree with you. The only thing that I really want is to have my organs donated- because other people can use them.

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Hear My Prayer [Purcell].

Though if I won the Eurolottery I woud have "hear My Prayer" Mendelssohn too. Well, let's face it I could have the B minor Mass as well.


Otherwise, as Maru so rightly says. it is for the living, not the dead. But experience has taught me that the living like to have something they think is the dead person's favourite.

But they can choose the hymns. Which remonds me, is there any religious element in the proceedings foreseen here? If not, why would there be any song? Surely the only funeral ceremony nowadays if the disposal of the teddy bears and football scarves. Or are they buried with the corpse; I'm not up with modern religions. Or life, for that matter.

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I kind of figured there wouldn't be any music. I've never been to a funeral with music, and I've been to quite a few. Unless you count the church hymns. In which case I'd like those sung.

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Well... I am still around, right? :lol: And hopefully I will be for at least fifty more years. But... I think "I'm Going Home" would give a nice touch.

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I kind of figured there wouldn't be any music. I've never been to a funeral with music, and I've been to quite a few.

Well with my grandmother we made cds to play before the funeral itself started, some of her favorites for people who got there early to listen to. That's the only funeral I've ever been to though, so I don't know if that's typical.

Whenever I hear Gnarls Barkley's Going On I always think I'd like that. I always hesitate though, because after that every time anyone who was at the funeral heard the song they might get sad, and I like that song too much to do that. Then again it might be a comforting association - the whole "I'm going on, and I'm at peace with it" vibe the lyrics have is a message I like, it might not be a bad thing for some people to permanently associate that message with me.

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"When I Get Where I'm Going" by Brad Paisley, maybe. I've never really thought about this before because I didn't even consider music at funerals.

But that song's always struck me as really sentimental and kind of...upliftingly sad, if that makes sense? Plus I really like country music (not that I'll be the one listening to it at that point). ^^;

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an old German song called "ich hatte einen Komeraden" and "leave no man behind" from black hawk down! (leave no man behind is my all time favorite song!)

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There was something on the radio yesterday about the Worst Funeral Music Possible, and among the suggestions was Rammstein's "Feuer Frei!" during a cremation.

...It kind of made me think "I'd like them to play Rammstein's 'Mein Herz Brennt' if they were to cremate me." :lmfao:

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