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Ouija Board


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Hey guys! With Halloween among us, I have been thinking a lot about fun and creepy things. I was talking with my friend the other day about the Ouija board. I've never played it, but I always thought it would be fun. Personally, I don't believe in ghosts or demons or that sort of thing, although I do like the maintain the "anything is possible" kind of attitude. But I sometimes like to pretend to believe for the thrill of it.

I was wondering if anyone here has played it. If so, what was your experience? Do you believe in the concept of it? What are your thoughts?

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I have never played Ouija Board, neither I am familiar with its concept, but there are some local versions of "conversations with ghosts" which I have always wanted to try. I do believe in ghosts, that's why I am pretty nervous about that stuff.

But, why not? I may also get a bit brave this Halloween...

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I played with my mom and brothers a long time ago. It took a while, but eventually the thing started moving. We all swore someone was doing it, and everyone claimed innocence. It was pretty weird.

I don't believe for a second that our factory line mass produced board game was a gateway for spirits. But when I asked it if OJ Simpson really killed those people, it went to yes. We all stopped and looked at each other for a second. Then it started moving again without being asked another question. It spelled out "Will kill again."

My mom freaked out and threw it away. So that's my only ouija story.

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I'm probably the biggest scaredy-cat in the world, man. heh.gif I don't think I'd ever try one of these myself - bad juju and all - but I think the concept is interesting, providing that. . . nothing bad happens. unsure.png I don't know. I've heard some pretty creepy stories associated with Ouija boards.

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Haven't tried Ouija boards, but "Spirit in the glass", which is a similar concept. Me and my high school buddies were obsessed with it for a few months, we claimed it was innocent enough and that we just fooled around, but yes, the glass did move of its own. It did happen that it moved without anyone touching it at all even, so yes, there are forces at play. I'm not entirely sure if we do it ourselves by telekinetic powers, or if there really is something outside of us doing it, but I'm fairly sure it's the former. Not sure enough to challange it by asking "wrong" questions, though.

Our little spiritual wanderings on school breaks were cut off when one of the older teachers walked in on us, though. She was furious, forced us to tear our little board apart and promise her never to do it again. She said it could be dangerous and that we didn't know what we were dealing with. Nothing in the world could soften her.We kept doing it on evenings and girls nights out for sometime after that, but I guess her warning was so sincere and heartfelt we didn't want to keep messing with it.

Nowadays I do the pendulum or Tarot cards instead. And I don't mess around just for fun, I try not to be disrespectful. We don't know for sure what's going on in the invisible world, do we?

ETA: one episode that was a bit amusing, was when we were sitting alone in the break room, playing. One of my friends asked a question (to herself, to make sure we didn't know the question, and then she backed away so that she couldn't move the glass herself). It went to "yes", and then went on, for no reason: "Go get coat, she's hiding".

Get COAT? Who's hiding??

Odd. I was going to the bathroom, and when I went out into the corridor, one of the girls in my class was spying on us. Her nickname was Coat.

Edited by Chanel_no5
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I am a huge ghost geek. I watch like every ghost hunting/stories show ever made. I don't know about the Ouija board. From evey episode of the show that said these people played with it, had a demon, note not a ghost, come through Hell to there house or place they were at. From what I know, these boards let demons pass, not ghosts. Ghosts are spirits and are not demonic which means that they cannot take over your body. Demons have the power to take someone's body over and would have to be removed by a priest. Well, I wouldn't suggest messing around with demons. Ghosts are more harmless. :)

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I played with my mom and brothers a long time ago. It took a while, but eventually the thing started moving. We all swore someone was doing it, and everyone claimed innocence. It was pretty weird.

I don't believe for a second that our factory line mass produced board game was a gateway for spirits. But when I asked it if OJ Simpson really killed those people, it went to yes. We all stopped and looked at each other for a second. Then it started moving again without being asked another question. It spelled out "Will kill again."

My mom freaked out and threw it away. So that's my only ouija story.

:lol: :lol: :lol: Love this!

I was into Ouija in middle school. A friend and I played in her basement one night. The biggest "rise" we got out of the thing was that it spelled out the word "annoy", and we took it as we annoyed the thing. My friend told me she later apologized to the the game board after I left.

After that, I made one out of notebook paper and whatever object I found lying around. For some reason I believed that I could do it by myself. Sometimes I'd use it to help me with answers on tests. My grades didn't improve though. Too bad I could never remember which answers I gave and which I thought Ouija "helped" me with.

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I am a huge ghost geek. I watch like every ghost hunting/stories show ever made. I don't know about the Ouija board. From evey episode of the show that said these people played with it, had a demon, note not a ghost, come through Hell to there house or place they were at. From what I know, these boards let demons pass, not ghosts. Ghosts are spirits and are not demonic which means that they cannot take over your body. Demons have the power to take someone's body over and would have to be removed by a priest. Well, I wouldn't suggest messing around with demons. Ghosts are more harmless. :)

Ohh me tooo!!! I would be so scared to use it i do love walking thru cemetaries just haven't used a ouija board yet
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you really shouldnt screw around with these things, even if the spirit you contact says its good, you cant believe it. ghosts usually want to trick people and lie to them on these things, mostly all that comes out of ouija boards are demons. it doesnt mean all of them are bad, you just cant trust spirits. these things are pretty much portals to another plane of existence, likely hell...which is why if you dont know how to properly end a session using a ouija board you could end up stuck with a demon in your life. ive always kinda wanted to try one though...but i see no point in it really lol. just make sure you know what youre doing if you do use one though

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I have never had a personnel experience with this... Though i am extremely interested for sure.

I'll always remember a story a family friend told us a long time ago, that when she was little her friends mother used to use this & they made contact with a spirit, they used it quite regularly until one day when they came home school the mother said she'd "put it away" and refused to let them touch it or anything & wouldn't talk about it, but it was obvious that something had happened.

I must admit that i myself have always had a fascination with ghosts, spirits, hauntings etc... There are some pretty cool vids on youtube of supposedly haunted castles, & people who've had ghost experiences in there houses, interesting stuff.

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I am a huge fan of ghosts, spirits & hauntings but, never had the guts to use a ouilja board lol. i've tried a sayonce (sp) and, gotmscaredntomwhere I had to sleep with the light on for a few nights

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I'm still debating on how I feel about the whole thing.

On one hand, I do not believe in ghosts or demons. Simple as that. I've never been superstitious, nor had any reason to be. The Ouija board is a Parker Brothers board game.

But logic tells me I should stay away. Because just because you don't believe in something doesn't mean it's not real. I seriously doubt anything bad would happen to me by playing the Ouija board, but what if I'm wrong? I am of the personal opinion that there is no such thing as demons, but I still accept that it is possible there could be. So if it is possible, it would be foolish to risk challenging the whole concept just for the sake of challenging it.

But then the other half of my brain chimes in and tells me I'm being a moron for being afraid of a board game.

I find the Ouija board very interesting to say the least. Assuming there is nothing supernatural about it, it is really amazing to see how many people it affects. There are thousands of stories all over the internet with people vehemently warning you not to play it. From a psychological standpoint, it is really very fascinating. I'd love to see a study done on the Ouija board, if anyone has heard of one. I know Penn and Teller did a bullshit episode on it.

I also have a few questions I've been pondering and would love it if anyone could answer them.

1.) What makes the Ouija board a portal to the spiritual world? What is special about it that sets it aside from, say, a pencil and paper? Does it have to do with the way you play it? For instance, if I play the physical board game without summoning any spirits, am I theoretically safe?

2.) Do the actual instructions in the game mention spirits? I know it says something about an oracle, but to me that just sounds like the concept of a "psychic board game." When did spirits get thrown into the mix?

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I think that trying to get in touch with spirits, in no matter what way, requires the same safety measures as doing drugs: only do it in trusted company and a safe and familiar environment; try to glean as much trustworthy information on it as possible, especially concerning the risks, and do this beforehand; and don't go lightly to the experience. Like doing drugs, it's not a game and should not be viewed or treated as one.

Edited by Maru-chan
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I tried it (or Spirit in the Glass at least) many times with friends when I was a kid. Nothing interesting happened. Ever.

If we did get some interesting answers, I was the one moving the glass. tonguesmiley.gif

Sorry, but I just can't take this kind of thing seriously. I've tried to get in contact with ghosts and spirits many, many times when I was younger (I was obsessed with that kind of stuff), and I never experienced a single thing that could convince me that spirits/demons exist. Not one. I'd love to be proven wrong, but I won't be. I have had people tell me that I'm "closed" to spirits, that I'm too much of a sceptic for them to bother with me. lol.gif Best. Argument. Ever.

I'd love to visit a haunted house and play Spirit in the Glass in there, at midnight, with a bunch of people who actually believe in this kind of stuff. I just know I'd have the time of my life. I might even get a little scared. That would be fantastic. biggrin.png

...chances are I'd just start humming on Tim Minchin's

instead, though. Edited by VoOs
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Idk what there is to be worried about anyways. What's the worst that could happen, an angry ghost pops out and murders you? I think that would be a pretty sick accomplishment. That's a way radder death than whatever's gonna happen to you in the end otherwise, I guarantee it. I say go for it and don't let any spirits give you sass. Write down somewhere that if you die you want it engraved on your tombstone that you were "Killed by a ****ing ghost! **** yeah!"

Also, if you do get ghost-murdered and become a ghost yourself, please think of something cooler to do with your time than haunting a boardgame and spelling weird messages on it. I don't think that would be hard to do, but apparently some ghosts have trouble breaking that mold.

Edited by Pilgrim
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Idk what there is to be worried about anyways. What's the worst that could happen, an angry ghost pops out and murders you? I think that would be a pretty sick accomplishment. That's a way radder death than whatever's gonna happen to you in the end otherwise, I guarantee it. I say go for it and don't let any spirits give you sass. Write down somewhere that if you die you want it engraved on your tombstone that you were "Killed by a ****ing ghost! **** yeah!"

... :lmfao:

Wow, I needed that. Thank you.

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...okay, maybe it's NOT like doing drugs. At all. Except for those who are unusually suggestible?

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Sorry, but I just can't take this kind of thing seriously. I've tried to get in contact with ghosts and spirits many, many times when I was younger (I was obsessed with that kind of stuff), and I never experiences a single thing that could convince me that spirits/demons exist. Not one. I'd love to be proven wrong, but I won't be. I have had people tell me that I'm "closed" to spirits, that I'm too much of a sceptic for them to bother with me.

GAH! I seriously hate it when people blame you for not being able to experience their brand of crazy! This sort of thing happens to me a lot because I've never felt Jesus.

And I just wanted to say, VoOs, that I absolutely agree with all of this. I just can't take it seriously! Even though my Ouija Board told me OJ was going to kill some more people, it would be retarded as hell to assume it was a spirit telling me the future. And even though I don't believe in ghosts, I have experienced very strange things at Nicole's house that freaked my shit right out. laughing.gif I kind of want to try the Ouija Board in her guest room (where I was punched in the crotch by something unseen). We need a separate ghost thread now so I can tell everyone about it!

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GAH! I seriously hate it when people blame you for not being able to experience their brand of crazy! This sort of thing happens to me a lot because I've never felt Jesus.

And I just wanted to say, VoOs, that I absolutely agree with all of this. I just can't take it seriously! Even though my Ouija Board told me OJ was going to kill some more people, it would be retarded as hell to assume it was a spirit telling me the future. And even though I don't believe in ghosts, I have experienced very strange things at Nicole's house that freaked my shit right out. laughing.gif I kind of want to try the Ouija Board in her guest room (where I was punched in the crotch by something unseen). We need a separate ghost thread now so I can tell everyone about it!

:lol: Thanks VFP, I haven't even had my coffee yet but you made me laugh out loud 2 times. :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

People say that it is very dangerous to play with an ouija board, and it actually is. But not because a ghost will show up, it's because things like that can really mess up your mind. If you believe that something will happen then it will. Let's say for example after you "summon a spirit" winds starts blowing or you hear thunder. You will most likely think "holy shit, a ghost!" and you will start to blame everything that happens on the ghost. Some people get really paranoid about things like that.

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This is quite OT but Satan, can I say you have the coolest screen name I have ever seen here? heh.gif

lol.. when I actually typed it when i was making this profile I was surprised that it wasn't taken biggrinsmiley.gif

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This is quite OT but Satan, can I say you have the coolest screen name I have ever seen here? heh.gif

lol.. when I actually typed it when i was making this profile I was surprised that it wasn't taken biggrinsmiley.gif

Well, you're just inspired me to change my title. :D

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Idk what there is to be worried about anyways. What's the worst that could happen, an angry ghost pops out and murders you? I think that would be a pretty sick accomplishment. That's a way radder death than whatever's gonna happen to you in the end otherwise, I guarantee it. I say go for it and don't let any spirits give you sass. Write down somewhere that if you die you want it engraved on your tombstone that you were "Killed by a ****ing ghost! **** yeah!"

Also, if you do get ghost-murdered and become a ghost yourself, please think of something cooler to do with your time than haunting a boardgame and spelling weird messages on it. I don't think that would be hard to do, but apparently some ghosts have trouble breaking that mold.

lmfao Pilgrim.

Also, hello Satan.

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