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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Sneezy Classmate Part 2 (M)


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Welp, that sneezy guy is t it again I saw him while walking out of class I stopped short because, I almost ran into someone he was sniffling loudly as his breathe hitched and, he sneezed very wetly (Can't spell out the sound sorry guys) he rubbed his runny nose on his sleeve and, sneezed again "Ehehh..heh..etchoo." my heart was melting by than a few people blessed him he headed intona classroom "What I'd give to be in there." :-D

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Gah! Nose rubbing! wubsmiley.gif One of my personal weaknesses. And the desperate builds...it's just too much! dribble.gif

I'm in heaven with it too bad I haven't had the guts to talk to him cuz, he's too adorable not too
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Gah! Nose rubbing! wubsmiley.gif One of my personal weaknesses. And the desperate builds...it's just too much! dribble.gif

I'm in heaven with it too bad I haven't had the guts to talk to him cuz, he's too adorable not too

I wouldn't have the guts either...though you should give it a try. yes.gif
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