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Any other Gleeks out there


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I love Brittany too and Blaine

Yeah Blaine's kind of hot :P How come the hot ones are always gay?

I think that all the time like why are you gay lolz cuz, your kinda hot and, I agree all the hot ones are gay :/
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Darren Criss isn't a gay man, he just plays one on TV. ;)

I love Heather Morris, and I love how she got recruited to be on Glee (luck! she has no acting training and she's so good!)

I love Ryan Murphy and all the Glee writers. This show cracks me up. Big fan!

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Oh god, did you guys watch tonights episode??? D: I literally CRIED! I wont spoil anything but, im just so shocked/sad/pissed/lots of other stuff.

Edited by Grey on a Sunday
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  • 2 weeks later...

I like Glee, which I really shouldn't. It clearly has its faults, ranging from simple stuff like overly auto tuning to more serious stuff like the main writers having no respect for those who refuse the use of their music and being subtly racialist. However, it's fun. Really fun. And much of the music is very good. Some of the writing is fantastic.

Admittedly, not seen all of S3 nor any of 4, but I suspect that's for the best. I'd rather not see the cash cow get squeezed to death like Lost.

Also Heather Morris is gorgeous.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am a total Gleek!! I am in love with Finn (sorry have a thing for tall goofy guys). Also love the music. Never thought there would be a popular tv show it my life time that centered around high school kids sporadically bursting into song.

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I haven't seen a lot of episodes, but I have a little crush on Schue.

Change to ummmmm... *slightly* more than little (mmmmmm...... abs & singing & sort of a geek :drool: ). I *adored* season one and Will and Emma. I like Kurt, Blaine, and Rachel- but... I don't know- I think that I stopped watching when *I* felt like it got too "fan-directed" rather than story-directed. And now it seems (personal opinion) like they are going in too many directions- loads of new people (and alas for this older than teenage person- they are of course... all teens ;):lol:). I miss the "will-they", "won't they" - shy, sweetness of the Will/Emma- ness.

Anyway... am still in my heart a Gleek- total music-wing living geek in middle and high school- and did choir (and orchestra).

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