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News story about sneezing causing driver to crash


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I don't buy this as an excuse!

I am an expert at sneezing while driving, it happens to me most mornings :P

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I had a friend tell me once that she did something like this, although in her case it was a lamp post and not a hair salon. She seemed to have a sense of humor about it. To be honest, thinking about her doing this has always made me nervous. For people that get SO consumed by their sneezing fits that they are literally stopped in their tracks... It makes me nervous to think about people like that driving. In the case of my friend, she was one of those people that sneezes in lots of rapid small cough-sounding sneezes that would apparently render her dysfunctional for a period of time with her eyes completely closed the entire time!!

Maybe it's just me, but if someone has that little of control of their sneezing for a significant period of time, I kind of feel like they shouldn't be behind the wheel of 4000+ pounds of steel. They become a wildcard and possibly an instrument of death. I don't know- am I an asshole for thinking this?

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Maybe it's just me, but if someone has that little of control of their sneezing for a significant period of time, I kind of feel like they shouldn't be behind the wheel of 4000+ pounds of steel. They become a wildcard and possibly an instrument of death. I don't know- am I an asshole for thinking this?

OMG what would happen if they started making this like part of your drivers test??!! Like for example they (the instructor) would try and make you sneeze and say u would have to hold it off for a certain amount of time period.

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Maybe it's just me, but if someone has that little of control of their sneezing for a significant period of time, I kind of feel like they shouldn't be behind the wheel of 4000+ pounds of steel. They become a wildcard and possibly an instrument of death. I don't know- am I an asshole for thinking this?

OMG what would happen if they started making this like part of your drivers test??!! Like for example they (the instructor) would try and make you sneeze and say u would have to hold it off for a certain amount of time period.

^ oh my god...that would be excellent footage to see lol

but really one time, my friend told me that her x boyfriend told her that one time a lady ran into his mailbox because she lost control of the car when she sneezed...lol

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I know this kind of sounds mean but a sneeze should not cause u to crash a car whatsoever. I mean i feel like it should be possible for u to at least hold off a sneeze for a few seconds so u would have time to prepare for it. I think stuff like should have people charged for reckless driving because that could kill somebody.

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le me driving: "Derp derp de derp. Uh oh. Have to sn-... sneeze... What do I - heh - do? Must... FLOOR THE GAS PEDAL! Hehtchoo!!"

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I was sent a youtube video of a girl who was afraid of crashing if she sneezed so she learned to sneeze with her eyes open. Im sure some of you have seen it, but she was hilarious. Ive tried but its so hard.

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OMG what would happen if they started making this like part of your drivers test??!! Like for example they (the instructor) would try and make you sneeze and say u would have to hold it off for a certain amount of time period.

Oh wow. Someone NEEDS to make that a fic, lol.

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