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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Girls, how do you feel when one of your girlfriends blesses you?


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I'll start off by saying that I am a straight female, but I've got a huge bless you fetish as I've mentioned on the forum before. I have a terrible mental block so for the past few weeks I've been faking some sneezes in front of some of my female friends, to kind of warm up for doing it in front of guys...and I like it...it's weird. I figured I'd be indifferent but I like when my girls bless me, and I really enjoy blessing them. I'm a really nurturing person so I guess it's like a general, we're girls, we care, looking out for you. Which is weird because I didn't expect to be pleased by getting blessed by one of my girlfriends, albeit the pleasure isn't sexual in nature. But I'll stop babbling now, lol. The man point is ladies, what kind of feelings do you get when your BFF blesses you? Any scenarios you can share? Do you enjoy it? Just wondering if I'm alone here, lol. And guys feel free to answer for guys blessing you. xoxoxoxo

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I have a huge mental block and have never been blessed by anyone. :-(. I've been wanting to sneeze in front of someone (girl or guy) to see what it feels like to be blessed. Are you ever afraid someone is going to know that your fake sneezing?

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I've become a stifling master so I can't recall EVER sneezing in front of my female friends. However they sneeze in front of me all the time. I typically only bless SO's or men that I find attractive so it's an awkward moment of silence when I don't say anything. I think I've only blessed them on a whim a handful of times.

I recently heard one of my female coworkers bitching about how people that don't bless are really rude. I make an extra point to completely ignore her sneezes.

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I don't have any particular feelings toward being blessed by someone, girl or guy. It's nice that some people do, but it's not a big deal to me since when I do sneeze, I don't like attention drawn to it. I've started trying to bless people more lately, mostly to avoid the awkward silence after a sneeze where no one says anything. xD But being blessed by a friend, it's just a normal thing coming from someone else. I used to find it really awkward to say thank you after someone blessed me, though. ^^;

Edited by ElementsofGray
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Well, gosh. I love it when my BFF blesses me! But then again, Sneesee is my BFF and we're usually playing around when the need to bless presents itself. :winkkiss:

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I actually really like it xD in that endearing, nurturing sort of way, like you mentioned. From both guys and girls, or from anyone, really. I'm having a small mental block but it's getting better.

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Eh...I am self conscious about sneezing in public and being blessed. I am one of those who just feel really awkward about the whole thing, like sneezing in public...blah. I will probably get over this whole thing when I get older, but I don't know it's just not my thing. However, I would probably prefer being blessed by a guy if any. :P

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I hate being blessed by people who I am not attracted to. However, when my C blesses me, I love it, cause he knows about the fetish and he knows I like sneezing. And when a cute girl blesses me... it's an interesting experience, because I am very self conscious about my sneezes, and yet I love the idea of them noticing it... maybe thinking it's cute, or wondering if I have a cold and need to be taken care of...

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I don't like sneezing in front of strangers, but I really wish I could sneeze in front of my friends. I don't think I have a mental block, just a not-so-sensitive nose. However, I get jealous when one of my girlfriends sneezes and another one blesses her. I really want to get blessed by a friend. I would liken it to getting a hug. It's not sexual, but it is so nice. :)

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Well, I have had the extreme pleasure of being blessed by a few of the lovely ladies on here. VFP was the very first, being that she's my BFF! I have also been blessed by Nicole and Dawnie!! And I have to say, it was all very hawt! So yes, being blessed by my girlfriends feels wonderful!

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I don't mind it when my friends bless me (generally, there is awkwardness a fair amount of the time). Actually, the group I'm working with now tends to mass-bless. :lol: I'm actually more comfortable being blessed than the other way round this time, which is odd as it tends to be the opposite. But it doesn't do anything for me either way.

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Just piping in here to say female/female blessings are totally hot! As a straight guy who "likes straight sneezes?", it's heaven! Why get a willy involved when it can be all female? bleh.gif

Oh and this;

Actually, the group I'm working with now tends to mass-bless. heh.gif

is one of my favourites. When one member of the group sneezes and all the others chime in with consecutive bless you's! It's a bit of a rarity in my universe but that only makes it all the more sweeter!

Edited by Giant Steps
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Im indifferent about it. The only thing about being blessed is when someone doesnt, i find it kind of rude. Family i usually dont care but co workers or customers should, as i would always bless them. I bless the first sneeze, and if they have multiple ill wait til theyre completely done then finally bless them at the end.

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I have a really dumb question, im new here so please forgive me but i read a lot of people using the phrase "mental block". I thought maybe it meant you want to sneeze but cant because your thinking too much but i dont really know. Can anyone answer my noob question? What is it?

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Oh god it's such a long story with these sorts of situations lol

I really haven't mind sneezing in public but it freaks me out at the thought of a complete stranger blessing me. My mental block failed me the other day, a sneeze snuck up on me and it was like an audible stifle i did and no one was around..i ignored it and just moved on to where i was walking to..

But anyway, as of late, I wanted to see how it feels to sneeze in front of friends...the one's I really trust and love. (im picky i know lol)

I have a strong mental block so i was not able to do this for months. Until this summer that is.

My best friend who is female blessed me. And I actually enjoyed being blessed for once it was pretty cool lol

Also she is the only person ever that i feel comfortable blessing. I have a blessing phobia like some people have on here...I have been debating for months on whether or not i should just tell her about the fetish..im really scared of her reaction..although she's so understanding it's like ungodly. lol

So yeah..i think that's basically it lol

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I like being blessed, in general. I sneeze a lot, so I find myself being blessed a lot. Other women tend to be more nurturing, they'll bless me & either rub ,y back or ask me if I'm ok.

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Thanks for all the replies! I feel better now, I was wondering if it was weird that I sort of enjoyed it. Getting excited about sneezing in front of friends and friends sneezing in front of you so you can bless them. Oh sneeze fetish, it's the little things teehee.gif

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  • 3 weeks later...

Icky. One of my biggest fears is being blessed by my girl friends/ blessing my girl friends.

If I'm ever to be said "bless you" to (first I'd have to overcome the mental block) I'd like it to be by males. Either my male friends or an SO.

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Oh,I just LOVE to be blessed by my friends(male or female),even though it doesn't happen a lot,I can count on my fingers how many times I was blessed by my friends,but in all the occasions,it was the heaven for me! "melts"

I also love to bless my friends and have some opportunities to do that,which is also heaven for me! Blessing them is not an automatic phrase for me,I really wish it to them from the bottom of my heart!

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Honestly it makes me feel pretty. I can't explain why. It just does.

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I have never been blessed (comments on my Youtube clips don't count. Because I say so), and I don't want to be. I never sneeze in a situation where somebody might bless me. While I do enjoy it quite a lot when men bless other men, I would find it completely humiliating to be blessed myself. Just thinking about it makes me angry. :laugh: Just... don't.

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I love being blessed! In fact, I find it much more akward NOT being blessed than receiving a blessing. When I sneeze and it's ignored I kind of feel like I did something wrong and it makes me think about it way longer than I should. The "bless you" allows me to move on ... plus it's HOT!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't mind being blessed by my friends at all. I'm straight, but I must admit there is something provocative about sneezing and blessing with them. Most of them know about my fetish anyways.

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I adore hearing blessings, usually as long as it's not family related. And I like the idea of being blessed, however actually blessing someone and receiving a blessing myself - :blushsmiley: :shy:

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I have never been blessed (comments on my Youtube clips don't count. Because I say so), and I don't want to be. I never sneeze in a situation where somebody might bless me. While I do enjoy it quite a lot when men bless other men, I would find it completely humiliating to be blessed myself. Just thinking about it makes me angry. :laugh: Just... don't.

Oh, I totally understand that. I hate being blessed by anyone, can't say exactly why I just feel super embarrassed when it happens. This probably cooresponds with the fact that I don't sneeze in front of other people as well, though it is worse if one of my lovers is in the room.

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