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Sneezing fetish and doctors


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Seeing how one of the best things about sneezing is the care-taking aspect, whether it's allergies or sickness, wouldn't it be totally awesome to date a doctor? xD

Has any of you actually tried that? Was it awesome? ;)

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Initially when I first read that I was like "Umm.....no.....ew....." but now I'm actually considering it! Do you mean so they can take care of you? I don't really like being weak seeing as I'm quite dominant but it does sound pretty awesome to have a Doctor looking after me. Plus looking after them would be amazing because I think they'd be reluctant to admitting they're sick because of work etc wubsmiley.gif

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Not necessarily! I think some doctors are kind of "tuned out" to health issues in people they know and care about personally. They're so tired of dealing with it everyday with the general public, you know?

I have had fantasies in my mind sometimes of being really sick with a bad and incredibly sneezy cold, and sitting in the waiting room of a doctor's surgery just sneezing and sneezing and blowing my nose, and then I go in to see the doctor, and he's trying to examine me, and as he sticks the thingo in my ears, I sneeze, as he looks up my nose with it, I sneeze on it, as he looks in my throat, I have to sneeze, as he checks my chest / breathing, more sneezing...mmmmm. lol That's about the extent of my doctor interest.

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Plus looking after them would be amazing because I think they'd be reluctant to admitting they're sick because of work etc

Lol I didn't even consider this aspect of it, I guess you don't expect doctors to get sick xD But you're totally right, that would be awesome.

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Not necessarily! I think some doctors are kind of "tuned out" to health issues in people they know and care about personally. They're so tired of dealing with it everyday with the general public, you know?

Aww thanks for crushing my fantasy >__<

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My boyfriend works for an ambulance service so I can tell you the caring side is pretty nice. I have a cold at the moment and he is looking after me pretty well. (:

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I dated a doctor. He didn't care much about taking care of me. He worked a hospital all day with seriously ill people. It's much different.

On the other hand, when he had a cold, the thought of him sneezing and sniffling at work was great.

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