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Long allergy attack


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I've noticed over the last two or three years that my allergies seem to be getting worse--it seems to take less to trigger them and the symptoms are more severe. My doctor said it's not that unusual but today caught me completely off guard.

We were having this outdoor display/information fair at work today so I was out in this big grassy field for the whole day. It didn't take very long before my eyes, ears, and the roof of my mouth started to itch. Annoying but not really noticeable. I made it two hours before I sneezed, stifling two times. AHhNTK! HhNKTS! Nobody noticed. It did make my nose start to run and I had to excuse myself and go back into the building to blow my nose and grab some tissues. I only had about another hour at our table and I managed to stifle five more sneezes. My boss noticed once and blessed me.

Problems started when we started to break things down. I started to feel the tickle in my nose get more intense. I had a couple false starts and I was having to sniffle more and more. Several of us were carrying things back inside when I got "the feeling" and tried to slow down so I was at least behind the others. I managed to balance a box on my hip and sneeze into the other hand. AhhhNTCCHHEW! HAHHHKTCHHHEEW! They all three stopped and blessed me. *Blushed so hard* We got in the elevator and I was sniffling because my nose was running. One of my friends asked if I was okay. I told her I was fine--just allergies. Then my boss started talking about this article he read last weekend that said pollen levels for our area were supposed to jump this week because temperatures were going to be in the 90's. If the elevator had crashed I would have been fine--ready to die of embarrassment.

After we dropped things off at the office we decided to call it an early day. I was sooooo thankful because on the walk to my car I sneezed seven times with about five or ten seconds in between.

I've been home for a couple hours now and it's tapered off but I don't even know how many times I sneezed. I just laid in bed with a wet cloth over my eyes and sneezed and sneezed...and sneezed. Occasionally singles but mostly doubles and triples and sometimes as many as five or six in a row. Now I'm exhausted.

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I wonder if you have sneezed 3948 times in your life yet.....?

Well described obs (as usual) :)

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Awww.... it's delicious to read, as always, but it must be really miserable to actually having to feel like that. Poor dear matilda. :hug:

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A lovely description [and a lovely new YouTube clip to boot]. If only you could let those lovely sneezes fly free and proudly.

[i take it Joal's number is some reference I don't understand, as that number would be only one sneeze every other day; statistically unlikely and most unsatisfying....]

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Joal's number is a reference to the number in her user name! It took me a few seconds to get it! :-P

Dear Matilda, I'm sorry your allergies are so intense but thank you for sharing all the juicy details anyway! <3

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Then my boss started talking about this article he read last weekend that said pollen levels for our area were supposed to jump this week because temperatures were going to be in the 90's. If the elevator had crashed I would have been fine--ready to die of embarrassment.

Yeah, I hate when people do that too! Actually I hate it when they even bless me. >__< so embarrasing.

Anyhow, great obs :) thanks for sharing

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Joal's number is a reference to the number in her user name! It took me a few seconds to get it! :-P

*awards points to Lady Dusty the 15th*

bad luck Count :P

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Bless you! It sounds pretty miserable if you had to rest with the wet cloth over your eyes. And even then the sneezes just kept coming. Thank you for sharing and I hope you are feeling better today.

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Brilliant stuff, Matilda!

Pretty lucky you held off for a bit while you were in that elevator. A full on attack in there would've been totally delicious a real shame! wink.png

Edited by Giant Steps
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Thanks guys. Yesterday was weird--I don't think I've ever had an allergy attack like that before.

This morning was far more typical. I woke up completely stuffed up with itchy eyes. Was up for about a half hour and sneezed eight times. Four basically back to back HuhAHHGSHHHEEW! AhhhKTSCHHEEW! AHHHKTSSSHHEEEW! AhhhEHHHKTSSCHHHHEEEW! I got about a thirty second break, blew my nose, and then sneezed a double AhhhEHHKTSCHHHEEEW! AHHHNTSSHHHHEEW! Blew my nose again and one last double. Ahhh...AHHHKTSSSHHHHEEW! HAHHHGTSSSHHHHEEW!

Eight sneezes I can manage...even enjoy ;)

Somebody had asked about the Youtube link. Here you go: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WR9lpjHOZJk

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Matilda, this is simply wonderful. And the 9 min youtube clip with you sneezing and talking all the time is wonderful as well. Thanks a thousand times for sharing this with us! biggrinsmiley.gif

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Not only were those Obs. totally awesome but the youtube clip was a great added bonus! Thanks for sharing both! :)

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