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To those who comment on artworks and stories:

March Hare

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(and also observations, but ESPECIALLY art and stories)

It has come to my attention that many of you - not all, but many - very often comment on works of art and fiction that our fellow members have posted here, with a simple "Oh, cute!" or similar, and then leave it at that. Now, forgive me if I seem presumptuous or arrogant here, but I must object to that.

Those works of art and fiction are labours of love and dedication. The creators have put a lot of time, effort and talent into them. I feel that that should be encouraged and applauded. I also feel that the least we, as the audience, can do is put a little effort into our feedback and comments. It's only fair, isn't it?

Now, I am not saying that we should write pages of eloquent praise or take an hour to minutely dissect every new creation with comments and constructive criticism, every single time we check something out. I am also not saying that it is NEVER all right to limit yourself to a "REALLY good!" or "Wow I love it!", because those are very much better than nothing.

I am saying, however, that you can probably do better than that now and again. And yes, I am even saying that if you can, then you should. It's easy - just pinpoint something that you especially like about what you saw or read, and write it down in your post. Our artists and writers deserve it. :yes:

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As someone who occasionally posts on the story and art board - I very much appreciate ANY comment, whether it's "Oh cute" or "I like it" or a paragraph extolling my wondrous technique and multitalented virtues :P I'd much much rather have that than no comment. There are lots of very well done stories and art that don't get many comments for whatever reason, even though they get thousands of views; at least for myself, I would rather people spend two seconds just to say "I like it" rather than just lurk. Just to let me know you're interested. While more detailed comments are guaranteed to make my day, I think anyone who takes the time to post even an "Oh, cute!" is awesome :D Thanks to all you commenters, regardless of the amount of time or effort you put into them :P:hug:

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Personally I have nothing against people commenting with a simple "Lovely!" or "Great work!" on somebody's art or story.

I do, however, start rolling my eyes when someone goes on a commenting spree and revives a thousand old topics just to add the same mechanical "Great work!" to all of them. That just doesn't strike me as very genuine.

Edited by VoOs
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As someone who makes some random attempts at (bad) art every now and then, I know full well that I don't know enough about art and writing technique to make some properly useful constructive criticism on a piece. And sometimes, I can't really find anything that could do with improvement, so all I can do is express my liking for the piece. I'll usually attempt to make it a comment of more substance by picking out certain areas of whatever it is that I like the most, but sometimes, I will just end up saying 'That's a really good piece/a super hot concept/super-cute and I especially like the shading/characters/writing style/colours' because that's quite simply what I was thinking.

I think the only time such comments are an issue is like what VoOs said:

I do, however, start rolling my eyes when someone goes on a commenting spree and revives a thousand old topics just to add the same mechanical "Great work!" to all of them. That just doesn't strike me as very genuine.

because to me, this just feels like people trying to get their post count up.

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I think the only time such comments are an issue is like what VoOs said:

I do, however, start rolling my eyes when someone goes on a commenting spree and revives a thousand old topics just to add the same mechanical "Great work!" to all of them. That just doesn't strike me as very genuine.

because to me, this just feels like people trying to get their post count up.

Haha, no pointing fingers, right? tonguesmiley.gif

I mean, I don't like this either, but if the artist or writer doesn't mind then I don't suppose we can really make an issue of it. It just annoys me sometimes to see "Thanks for sharing", "Nice obs" or whatever it happens to be, and nothing else. It's completely mechanical. I'm probably guilty of it myself every once in a while, but I at least try to think of one unique comment to make. For the amount of time and effort that goes into some of the material on this site I don't think it's a big ask!

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I don't take offense to the "Great work" or "Cute" comments, and I am probably guilty of leaving comments like that too just for lack of anything better to say, but I like it even better when someone actually tells me something they like or goes into a little more detail in their comments. When I read stuff I tend to write my comment as I'm reading so I can pick out sentences and parts I really liked.

But I agree with VoOs and PixieRagamuffin. It is especially annoying when "serial posters" do this. Because the whole forum totally wants to see a bunch of topics from 2008 bumped up because you felt you absolutely had to leave a one-word response that adds nothing.

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I do, however, start rolling my eyes when someone goes on a commenting spree and revives a thousand old topics just to add the same mechanical "Great work!" to all of them. That just doesn't strike me as very genuine.

This ^^

Sometimes I've clicked on "view new content" and noticed that someone has commented on about 20 stories in 5 minutes

Now, call me a cynic ("you're a cynic, Joal!") but I don't believe said people have read all the said stories.......

Excepting this, I guess it's a personal view for each contributor - some may not like it, others (like Kiwi) clearly do

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I do, however, start rolling my eyes when someone goes on a commenting spree and revives a thousand old topics just to add the same mechanical "Great work!" to all of them. That just doesn't strike me as very genuine.

This ^^


I don't mind when people write something quick and general on one of my stories. I'd rather they do that than not comment at all. Also, if I have multiple stories going at a time, I usually use the number of comments to determine which one I'll finish first. Of course, I appreciate it when people say something more specific but I just like knowing when someone likes one of my stories/obs.

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I guess what irks me sometimes is when I go into for example the obs-section and see like 20+ topics that have been written in and realise that it's one peron that has replied to over 20 threads. Not only does it make it a chore to see which threads are new and which are old, but it also itches bothers my why-would-you-do-that??-nerv =)

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I actually enjoy any sort of comment, whether it be something short and sweet or something long and in-depth. As long as the person is polite and not using these short comments as some excuse to bring up their number of posts (when they do that sort of thing, it seems as if they haven't completely enjoyed or even glanced at the work.)

There are some times where one would like to tell someone they like the work but can't seem to think of an entire paragraph to explain what they like about it, so a short, simple, and polite way of saying they enjoyed it might be the most effective way to express this said enjoyment.

Now, that's not an excuse for every comment they post to be what some may consider to be "too short" (especially so if every comment the post on these works seems the same. As in, they post something like "That's so cute. I love it!" over and over again on multiple works without even changing one word.)

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Hear, hear! Even though I'm not a contributor to the art/stories section of the forum, I know what it's like to be the person who pours their heart into their work. I create things that don't really have a place to be shared on this forum. I share my stuff in other places on the interwebz. As much as I appreciate someone taking the time to stop and look at it, it's kind of a let-down when all you get is "oh cool." Well, what was cool about it? State your preferences! Encouragement is always welcome, but I think we all want to improve our craft.

I think the only time such comments are an issue is like what VoOs said:

I do, however, start rolling my eyes when someone goes on a commenting spree and revives a thousand old topics just to add the same mechanical "Great work!" to all of them. That just doesn't strike me as very genuine.

because to me, this just feels like people trying to get their post count up.

And a huge YES to all of this ^^^ Especially the post count part. Ever notice how some people will quote an entire post simply to say "I agree." rolleyessmileyanim.gif I just hope that the people who need to know this are reading this thread.

Edited by vote_for_pedro
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I agree with you, Maru. I try to put a lot of thought into my comments for exactly this reason, so people will know not only that I liked what they've written (since I mostly lurk around in Stories), but WHAT I liked about it. To me, that's really important. Of course I love any sort of feedback, praise or critique or a couple words saying it was good, but the things I remember are when people take a little extra time to tell me why, or what they were thinking. At the same time, I understand that sometimes people don't have much time and probably just want to leave a word or two showing that they read and liked it, or they might just not know what to say other than that they loved it. But I definitely think the work people put into their art and writing deserves to be recognized! It's a great feeling having people appreciate what you've done, knowing they enjoyed it as much as you did, so I'm all for thoughtful feedback (but any feedback is still awesome). :D

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I do, however, start rolling my eyes when someone goes on a commenting spree and revives a thousand old topics just to add the same mechanical "Great work!" to all of them. That just doesn't strike me as very genuine.

This ^^


I don't mind when people write something quick and general on one of my stories. I'd rather they do that than not comment at all... Of course, I appreciate it when people say something more specific but I just like knowing when someone likes one of my stories/obs.


I'm the same way. I have no issue with short responses and sometimes I'll make them too (generally if I'm brain-dead and I can't think of anything specific but want to leave encouragement while I'm thinking of it).

But like others have mentioned- when that is the *only* types of responses that someone ever makes it makes me suspicious and it's a little frustrating as a writer. Maru hit it right on the head- our writers and artists put in a lot of time, thought, and effort on their contributions. I know as a writer that it means *so* much to me when people take the time to point out specifics that they like, so I try to make a conscious effort as often as I can to leave specific comments. You might not think that the author/creator cares about what *you* in particular liked and/or that a general comment is fine (which it is), but authors and creators take specific praise and cherish it even more- because they know that it is genuine and they truly appreciate the time that you took to leave a thoughtful comment.

Btw- to all the wonderful writers and artists aorund here- :wub: :wub: thank you SO much for your wonderful contributions. Even if I haven't read or commented on your specific work, I want you to know that I very much appreciate the work that you do and the contribution that you make to our community. We are so lucky to have such talented people who selflessly share their talents with us. Know that you brighten the days of Many members of this community and you are very much valued.

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I think in my earlier days on the forum I was probably guilty of more than one or two one word throwaway comments, but always now try and say something a bit more in depth to try and show how much I really appreciate reading others' fics and observations.

However, I am quite happy when people post anything on stories I have written thumbup.gif

If you like a story or post that was posted in the dim and distant past, why not send the author a PM to tell them of your appreciation rather than bumping up the thread? Everyone loves to get mail smile.png

Edited by NoV
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Hear, hear! Even though I'm not a contributor to the art/stories section of the forum, I know what it's like to be the person who pours their heart into their work. I create things that don't really have a place to be shared on this forum. I share my stuff in other places on the interwebz. As much as I appreciate someone taking the time to stop and look at it, it's kind of a let-down when all you get is "oh cool." Well, what was cool about it? State your preferences! Encouragement is always welcome, but I think we all want to improve our craft.

I think the only time such comments are an issue is like what VoOs said:

I do, however, start rolling my eyes when someone goes on a commenting spree and revives a thousand old topics just to add the same mechanical "Great work!" to all of them. That just doesn't strike me as very genuine.

because to me, this just feels like people trying to get their post count up.

And a huge YES to all of this ^^^ Especially the post count part. Ever notice how some people will quote an entire post simply to say "I agree." rolleyessmileyanim.gif I just hope that the people who need to know this are reading this thread.

Ever notice how some people will quote an entire post simply to say "I agree."

I agree. (....sorry whistling.gif )
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--- And thank you to all those that have contributed their time and talents for creating great things for others to appreciate and enjoy--

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Ooo... NoV- that is a brilliant idea re: a pm. And I wouldn't have thought about it either. :) Or even if a person writes a quick "love it" and later wants to say something else- that is a good way to do it as well.

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You know what? I like you all even more now I've read all those comments. You guys. Are. DARLINGS. :D :D

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Lol, this is actually one reason why I don't comment on here as much as I'd like to! I feel like i want to make my compliment worth the author's time to read. sleep.png However, as a writer, I do infinitely appreciate whatever comments are given me, regardless of length! smile.png

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For the record, as someone who has posted stuff on here sometimes before, I can say that at least as far as I'm concerned any comment at all is better than none. By like a billion times.

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Add me to those who want more comments, not fewer. It takes me such an effort to post any fiction or obses of my own that it is really depressing not to receive any comments, and I am quite happy to get short comments too. Or to have such things bumped up.

I note that some power has taken action to lock all observations up until the present year, presumably to scotch the terrible crime of bumping up. All hail the powers that be....

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I completely understand loving to get any comments- especially positive. Completely understand. To me the point that Maru brings up is *not* about discouraging people from posting responses. That would be very discouraging. It is just a "challenge" (in an encouraging manner) for people to think about making their comments a little more personal.

Saying "Great!" is absolutely not a crime and it is appreciated. However, when someone takes the time (and it really doesn't take that long) to say something *specific* that they like or appreciate it makes it extra special and meanful (at least for me). I appreciate *all* comments- but specific ones just make me feel extra warm inside.

I took what Maru was saying as an invitation to people to think about being more specific (at least on occasion). Sometimes people who respond may not think that the creator really wants to read someone waffling on about what they liked. Sometimes people feel like they have to say things "perfectly" to make it specific. Neither is the case. Like Maru said- a person can start by just saying 1 thing that you liked in particular- no biggie.

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Oh tma. You are a faithful and skilled agent of all things well-intentioned and positive! :wub:

In other words: yes, that was EXACTLY what I meant. Word-perfect. :yes: Still, it makes me very happy to see how happy any kind of comment at all makes us. There is always room for more explicit happiness. ALWAYS! :D

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