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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Oh screw everything


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I love walking around school and seeing other people sick, and me not be sick. I get to walk around and be like, "SUCKS TO SUCK!!!" And then I wake up the next morning and I'm sniffling my sorry tookis off.

This happened to me on Monday. And I'm STILL SICK.


I woke up a while ago with a splitting headache, and I'm still out of it today as in like a week or more later. I have a talent show tomorrow and I have to sing, and my throat's gone to shiz...why...

Anyway, here's the obs part. I was sitting watching "Doctor Who" Saturday (damn those Angels) which by the way I would like to RP with, and I felt this monster sneeze coming up. I hate sneezing no matter what, so I always try to stifle, but it just didn't happen. I have this weird girly sneeze that sounds something like "HITSXNCHEW!" and I have a really cute hankie (TARDIS blue, look it up) so my face hurts now from smashing into it like ten thousand times.

Wish me luck friends :(

Love, :heart: H

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N'aww, hope you get better soon. Being sick totally sucks, I've been sick with a horrible bad throat....thing for about a week. We can be miserable together! *pitiful me is pitiful*

I do approve of TARDIS blue hankies, though. Or TARDIS blue anything, really.

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Being sick is pretty shitty itself, but being sick while you have something planned is even worse.

Get better!

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I do approve of TARDIS blue hankies, though. Or TARDIS blue anything, really.

This! :D

I wish I has a TARDIS blue hanky!

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So, is this Tardis hanky bigger than it appears on the outside, or...? bleh.gif

Nice obs, hails. Keep your fluids up and all that!

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Thanks everyone :) I'm better-ish now but I've still got a day or two to go. Question: Is it possible for a human being to actually break their nose from face-crashing-into-hanky??

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