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Sneeze Fetish Forum

I want to write story


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So for all you Naruto fans out there, I've realized we are lacking in Itachi Uchiha fics. I was wanting to write one, does anyone have any good ideas for him? Or what you think he would sneeze like?

Do you think he would sneeze loud, quietly or stifle?

Would he have forceful sneezes, hard to control or no?

What would his sneeze sound like?

Would he be the kind of person to stop and wait for his sneeze or sneeze suddenly with no warning?

Does his sneeze throw him forward leaving him doubled over or does he not move much?

I know, I have a lot of questions

I always thought he would rub two fingers under his nose either before after he sneezes and then run his fingers through his hair :drool:

For an idea of what makes him sneeze, I always would love to see him sneeze from his crow's feathers, that could be so cute :wub:

I lack a good idea for the story, I wanted a love story with my OC, but not sure what to do from there, anyone have any ideas? I would greatly thank you for all times :D

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I don't know the fandom- sorry. But I think that the idea to brainstorm for inspiration and/or collaborate for writing is *really* good. It's great that you have a lot of questions and it looks like you have a few ideas- it will make the story that much better! :) :)

I just wanted to wish you well and I hope that you find someone who knows the fandom to brainstorm. Have lots of fun! :D

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Thank you :heart: I just think I could get really good story out of Itachi's nose (lol). I'm just hoping other people may have some good ideas for this.

He could accidentally sneeze out fire, with his fire ball jutsu. Maybe a certain type of cold or allergy could make him do that. Still, I'm not sure though. Then what would happen if he stifles, lol? Anyone have other ideas? I'm open to all.

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I was mentally answering all those questions as I went through reading this, so I hope you don't mind if I just post all of what I imagine here. ^^;

I think he'd have a quiet sneeze, or stifle it. I can see him kind of waiting for his sneeze, and then having such good control over them that he doesn't move too much. I'm not sure exactly what it would sound like, though. It sounds like you have some good ideas so far! Sneezing from the crow feathers sounds wonderful, and I'd love to read the fic if and when you end up writing it, no matter what you do!

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Glad to know I already have someone interested in the fic. What about ideas for the plot? I was thinking of him having my OC hostage by orders he has to watch her and ends up attracted to her, causing him some conflict because he has to pretend he is heartless.

Other ideas for plots, or how sneezing can tie into this plot or another plot? Anyone have an idea of how his sneeze would sound or how he would cover his mouth? What about things that could make him sneeze?

Trying to gather as much information on this as I can, so any ideas would be very beneficial to the story :)

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I think your idea for the plot sounds fine! Ultimately, you should write something you like and are interested in. If you enjoy it, chances are, so will other people. All the things you've mentioned so far sound really good. :3

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  • 1 month later...

Ok, sorry I haven't been able to write the story, I've been real busy for a couple months. I also remembered that I was also supposed to do a Sasuke story, so I'm gonna combine the 2!

So I'm gonna ask the same questions about what you think Sasuke would sneeze like:

Do you think he would sneeze loud, quietly or stifle?

Would he have forceful sneezes, hard to control or no?

What would his sneeze sound like?

Would he be the kind of person to stop and wait for his sneeze or sneeze suddenly with no warning?

Does his sneeze throw him forward leaving him doubled over or does he not move much?

What would his sneeze sound like?

How would he cover his mouth?

What kinds of things do you think will make him sneeze?

For this plot my idea was to do an Alternate Universe kind of thing, that way Itachi would come back to life after the war, and also Sasuke would have to work with Itachi for some reason (I will say why in the story). They would both like my OC causing a bit of a problem between the two brothers.

How's that so far for a new twist to this?

Again sorry for ot getting back to this in awhile, but I have sometime now, between work and stuff, so any other ideas for a plot or what Sasuke and Itachi would sneeze like?

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  • 4 months later...

Hey there! If you're still planning on writing this, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to read it. Itachi is one of my all time favorite characters and there's not nearly enough of him on the forum. wub.png

I dunno about Sasuke since I'm not really into him, but as for Itachi's sneezes, I imagine them to be soft/quiet but also kind of forceful as well. Also, the sneezing out fire thing sounds awesome. XD And I'm crazy for OC's, so this idea just tickles my fancy a million different ways. heh.gif

Hope you still decide to write it! biggrin.png

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I'm still plotting on this one, lol. But yes, I am still gonna write it.

This is my idea so far:

Seen as it's an alternate universe, maybe Itachi actually fakes his death instead, Sasuke still finds out the truth about Itachi and joins the Akatuski. Instead of getting revenge on the hidden leaf, Itachi talks Sasuke into joining him and protecting the leaf by pretending to have gone bad, but really just joining Itachi in protecting the leaf. They end up taking my OC hostage, for following orders, and well, both end up liking her.

It's not typical of Sasuke to like anyone, particularly in a romantic sort of way, but I still have ideas that could work to keep him in character. Maybe he at first denies his feelings for her, then acts like he's not interested, but when he finds out she is actually in some type of danger, he can't fight off his feelings for her anymore and caves to his emotions.

Obviously, Itachi will like her too, but he still has to pretend otherwise, because he can't show that he's not evil. So at one point in the story, they will both have to confront their feelings for her, and still have a conflict between the two brothers.

Any other ideas? I would love some more input before I get this story going

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Oooooh~! I absolutely LOVE that plot. And it's good to hear that you're still going to write it!! I wub Itachi so much. XD

As for anything else, hmm... well, maybe for tying sneezing into it... uhhh... maybe Itachi has allergies? Like to dust or something around the hostage room. ^-^' XDDD Sorry, I feel like I'm not making sense lol! And maybe Sasuke has a cold or something.

Haha, I'm actually excited to see the end results of this!! I don't have the best grip on Sasuke's personality since I'm not the biggest Sasuke fan, but based on how much you like him I'm sure you'll be able to keep him perfectly in character no matter what. biggrin.png

I think that's all I've got for now... XD Good luck with writing it and I'll be on the lookout for it~! bounce.gif (Bahaha don't you just love this icon. XDDD)

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Adding the sneezing is where I'm stumped lol Basically, my OC will have to stay with Sasuke and Itachi, where ever they go, so it's alittle different than being confined to one room. Also it won't start off with sneezing, I was gonna add it a little later ;)

I'm seriously having trouble coming up with ideas for the sneezing :sweatdrop: Your ideas are great though :heart: I'm gonna start writing it and see how well that will fit into the story. Thank You!

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I'm gonna use this OC for the story, what do you think?

First Name: Mujakina

Surname: Asobu

Personality: She is very nervous around people. Hides her true self from the world for fear of being rejected. Despite being shy at times she can be very loud and energetic at others (this is usually her attempts at coming out of her shell, but she can still be awkward when doing so). Has a very big sense of humor, and it can be very dirty and mean (she is sometimes hurtful without meaning to be, when she’s joking around.) Only feels safe enough to be herself when alone or around certain people, which is usually when she’s less awkward. She does talk to herself, sometimes assuming no one hears her, but they do.

Looks: Eyes Light green/blue, slightly resembling a cats. Straight light brown hair with Bangs, length just below her shoulders. Height about 5’4”. She's petite.

She is different than most people, she's not going to be what Itachi or Sasuke would imagine themselves liking, but somehow they both end up being very attracted to her.

Edited by CrushedBeMy Heart
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Lol she sounds kind of like my OC Meiyo. Oddly enough she's paired with Itachi too. O.o

(Gaara: Strange minds think alike apparently.)

Oh shut up Gaara, this post is about Itachi. *shoves* ANYWAY SQUEE ITACHI. This story is gonna be awesome, I can just tell!!!

heh.gif Well... if that's how it's gonna go, maybe I might have a few more ideas. Maybe they go to the Mist for some reason and that's where Sasuke catches a cold... then they have to go through some forest with plants Itachi is allergic to or something?

... *pokes Itachi's nose*

(Itachi: ...... Go away or I'll Tsukuyomi you into next Tuesday.)

O.O *inches away*

ANYHOO ENOUGH OF MY RANDOMNESS. I can't wait to read this, it's gonna be so epic!! *crosses fingers for lots of Itachi and maybe some kissing lol* BECAUSE I'M WEEEEIRD. ^^

... Also, love triangle. FTW. bounce.gif

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Well, so far I'm just going along and seeing what will come out of it ;) I am having ideas :drool:

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These are just my opinions on the two of them. Thought I'd help out!


Do you think he would sneeze loud, quietly or stifle? Itachi's sneezes are very quiet, and he stifles whenever possible, however...

Would he have forceful sneezes, hard to control or no? They are forceful while being quiet, and it's not always possible to stifle.

What would his sneeze sound like? "Nn-kht"

Would he be the kind of person to stop and wait for his sneeze or sneeze suddenly with no warning? He does not get much of a warning.

Does his sneeze throw him forward leaving him doubled over or does he not move much? I think that he probably doubles over.

How would he cover his mouth? He would bury his entire face in his hands.

What kinds of things do you think will make him sneeze? Itachi catches colds often. The mangekyo sharingan is takes a huge toll on his body in general, which includes his immune system. He also doesn't take very good care of himself in general out of depression/guilt. He sneezes a lot when he has colds. Also, he is very sensitive to things touching his nose--something like, for example, his own hair brushing against it, can make him sneeze at times.


Do you think he would sneeze loudly, quietly, or stifle? Loudly and messily. When they were children, Itachi used to tease him about not being able to do it delicately. He tried to learn to stifle but it didn't work.

Would he have forceful sneezes, hard to control or no? Like Itachi, I think that Sasuke's sneezes would be forceful and difficult to control. However, he doesn't put very much effort into doing so.

What would his sneeze sound like? "Hehh...hhheh....HEKSHIEWW!"

Would he be the kind of person to stop and wait for his sneeze or sneeze suddenly with no warning? He gets a fair amount of warning, especially if he's having an allergy attack, because his nose will be extremely itchy for a while before he starts sneezing. His breath hitches a bit, too.

Does his sneeze throw him forward leaving him doubled over or does he not move much? He doesn't move much, maybe just a little head-bob.

How would he cover his mouth? With a tissue or handkerchief, because he almost always needs to blow his nose afterward.

What kinds of things do you think will make him sneeze? Sasuke is allergic to the majority of types of pollen. This was very difficult to deal with while in Konoha! Allergy attacks give him sneezing fits. Aside from that, he'll sneeze if he has a cold, or just randomly.

Edited by Natto
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Um.... wow!!! Ok, love your ideas on this, I have the beginning of the story started, but it's getting difficult from here (mostly from being to flustered over it). Thank YOU!!!

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Hehe, I love Natto's ideas too~ SHE'S SO AWESOME. biggrin.png

Like I said this is gonna be a great story!! bounce.gif (I think this icon would like me to stop using it so much. XDD)

And the whole getting flustered by it thing? Lol, no two people are the same, especially about this stuff, but in my experience the more you do it, the less worked up you get over it. I used to be the same way when I was just starting out writing fetishy stuff, and now I'm all "OH BRING ON THE IDEAS." ^^ It might not be the same for you, but in any case I know how you feel. hug.gif

... Uhh. I dunno if that makes you feel better or if it just sounded lame. *thinks that she sounded kinda lame* heh.gif

(Gaara: Just try to ignore her, it always works for me.)

Anyway, regardless of if I sounded lame, you've got tons of support from me!! biggrin.png

YOU GO GIRL~!! (And have fun writing it too! It sounds like a lot of fun to write!! ^^)

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By flustered, I mean, my I'm getting very um.... well..... :blush::shy::wub::drool: red in the face :sweatdrop:

The difficult part if, that I can't think straight enough, to get my head to put down stuff, and ... *blushes* ....

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XD OH. Right, I understand. I still get like that sometimes. biggrin.png I say that the important thing is that you seem to be trying hard to overcome it. Good on ya! hug.gif *is now going off to comment because she saw you posted the first part WHEEE*

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Questioning, any ideas that anyone has for some other good stuff to add into this story? Still taking people's input it helps :D I might actually just combine my Madara story into this one as well, I couldn't seem him in love with my OC, but can still add him into :blush::shy: Any ideas on Madara? Stuff about what he might sneeze like?

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