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Sneeze Fetish Forum



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Ya, so I hope this topic hasn't been on here before, but I do apologize if so. Anyway I see that I am beginning to develop of this fetish in particular. I love colds and all and of course sneezing is the main thing that I enjoy seeing/hearing the most, but stuffy noses? Even more. It would probably place this as my second best right under sneezing. Ah, when a cute guy gets a cold I just love hearing him trying to blow his nose when its all stuffed up. I just love everything about it, especially the misery. Also the cute congested, soft snores. Does anyone else feel the same way, or am I on my own here?

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I do enjoy congestion, particularly wet, pregnant sniffles that are almost impossible to control. However, under the same condition that I like crying... only if it leads to a blow. Otherwise it's just a tease. thumbdown.gif

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congestion...yes!...the more congested a girl is, no matter how she gets that way, the louder she blows her nose usually....which i love!

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i love sitting there for a couple of minutes watching a beautiful girl sniffling because she has a cold/allergies, and then going over to offer my handkerchief :)

they're always really grateful xD

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  • 2 weeks later...

also, i love it partly because it tempts me that they may be going to pull out a hankie and have a nice big blow xD

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At first I was into just sneezing. But now I find just someone being congestion is somewhat of a turn on. I think a lot of it is just association. Like when someone was congested, I would anticipate them sneezing, which was sorta hot. And as a result, I'm now attracted to just congestion. I do sorta feel bad about it though, that I get turned on by something that doesn't make the other person happy

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At first I was into just sneezing. But now I find just someone being congestion is somewhat of a turn on. I think a lot of it is just association. Like when someone was congested, I would anticipate them sneezing, which was sorta hot. And as a result, I'm now attracted to just congestion. I do sorta feel bad about it though, that I get turned on by something that doesn't make the other person happy

haha, does make us sadists a little, doesnt it? ;)

just kidding

everyone likes something that someone else doesnt enjoy xD

dont know why, but congestion and having colds/really bad allergies is just so damn hot! w00t.gif

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  • 4 weeks later...

Runny and/or stuffy noses are terrific as long as they are from cold or allergies. Not from cocaine usage.

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I like guys with congestion, just as long as it stays congestion. I don't like runny noses or lots and lots of blowing. But I DO like stuffy talking and fruitless sniffling and having to breathe with the mouth open. Oh, and massaging/pinching the bridge of the nose. And any sort of uncomfortable sounds or moaning about how stuffed-up they are. Mmmm.

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Oh believe me, you're not alone! :lol1: I have to admit, when cute guys at my school get colds and they talk while congested and sniffle all cute and sick and have their red noses :blush: it gets me all goosey inside......

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  • 2 months later...

YES. I know I am late in this topic, but yes, it's actually my main thing - better than sneezing for me. Preferably because of a cold, but because of crying a lot is really good too and even if I don't usually enjoy allergies, when it makes a person all stuffy I enjoy it very much too. I love few things as much as stuffy talk... just perfect. Absolutely hot and adorable at the same time. And the absolutely holy grail of fetish for me is a wet, congested sniffle. stretcher.gif God there is nothing as sexy as that. A hot guy with a bad headcold, when not going through a tissue after another, desperately trying to sniffle his stuffed-up nose? Uhm. drool.gif Just writing that down was absolutely sexy. drool.gif A congested sniffle followed by a sigh/whimper because he's so cunfomfortable? YES! :D Oh my good too good things.

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YES. I know I am late in this topic, but yes, it's actually my main thing - better than sneezing for me. Preferably because of a cold, but because of crying a lot is really good too and even if I don't usually enjoy allergies, when it makes a person all stuffy I enjoy it very much too. I love few things as much as stuffy talk... just perfect. Absolutely hot and adorable at the same time. And the absolutely holy grail of fetish for me is a wet, congested sniffle. stretcher.gif God there is nothing as sexy as that. A hot guy with a bad headcold, when not going through a tissue after another, desperately trying to sniffle his stuffed-up nose? Uhm. drool.gif Just writing that down was absolutely sexy. drool.gif A congested sniffle followed by a sigh/whimper because he's so cunfomfortable? YES! biggrin.png Oh my good too good things.

You always seem to know what is good in this world. :heart:

...at least when it comes to fetishy things. xD

Uhh, yes. Late, late, late... Congestion is adorable though not my main thing but definitely related to it. I don't know what I could say that isn't in pig's reply already. :heart:

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Congestion! I could listen to a guy sniffling through his clogged nose for hours!!!! :heart::D

And of course, everything pig said ;)

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Congestion is a major, major part of my fetish. In fact, I'd say that after sneezing, congestion would come a very close second place.

Just the thought of being all snuggled up in bed with a man or woman who has a terrible headcold - telling me exactly how they feel and what symptoms they have in a snuffly, heavily-congested voice. Guh - just imagining it makes my heart melt a little bit :"> <3

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Also late, yes, yes indeedy. Congestion if probably just below sneezing in the list of things that turn me on. Like Pig, I think that's the main reason I'm more interested in colds than allergies.

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Or when the act of sniffling is like a full-body effort that wrenches his shoulders up. :blush: Or when sniffling makes a guy start coughing, but it's like a weak little cough because he's so run down. *melts into a puddle and dribbles away*

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