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Nose Rings/Septum Rings


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I recently got a septum piercing (on Saturday night). I've been sniffling ever since! Regardless of that little fact, does anyone have a fetish for pierced noses, or pierced septums? LOL


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I don't know if I have a 'fetish' for them, per se, but some noses look really nice/attractive with some kind of piercing. ^_^

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Not really a sub-fetish per se, but I've always wondered what the sound of air being blown through the hole would be like. Maybe a whistle?

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Definately! I have a 2 guage septum piercing actually - love having it pulled on. <3 Unfortunately it doesn't make me sneeze to have it tugged, but it's still fun. :) Love them on other people too!

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Not really a sub-fetish per se, but I've always wondered what the sound of air being blown through the hole would be like. Maybe a whistle?

When I had mine changed it didn't whistle, but I could feel air passing through the hole. :P Very weird sensation!

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Ugh, yes, definitely. Septums are my favorite (LEMME TUG ON IT) but any kind of nose piercing is instant +10 attractiveness, in my books.

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I wish I could find nose piercings attractive, but I just don't. :(

I guess I like my noses au naturel.

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My boyfriend had a nice silver ring with an emerald bulb in his right nostril. :dribble: He said if I played with it it tickled but it only seemed to work like 10% of the time. He took it out when he was looking into joining the army and hasn't put it back in. I love his nose either way.

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  • 2 weeks later...

They're pretty hot... But I like all sorts of headmetal... I've got eight around my ears and I'm getting a nose for my birthday...

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I have a silver nose ring and I adore it. I hated nasal piercings when I was younger and then one day I was randomly riding the subway and saw a girl with a nose ring and thought "I'd look really great with that". So I got one. And I've had it four years now and I still love it. I can lose my glasses, change my hair, but my nose rings always seems perfect with everything.

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I don't exactly have a fetish for it, and it's not an aesthetic preference either...... but damn, a septum ring is SEXY!!! :lol: For various reasons - the main one being that "omg that must be nasty when he has a cold." :lol: And I LOVE IT!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmmn... This definitely depends on the person who has the piercing. On some people a pierced nostril looks cool and I like it (but it's not a fetish!) but on most it looks just... Silly. As long as it is not a ring that has been put there it easily looks pretty far just like a... pimple or a blackhead. Not my thing. xD But yeah... Septums look cool if they fit the style of the person's clothing and the man (yush, I like them mostly on men) has the right facial features. And the ring should be the basic 1,6mm, not any bigger.

I like other piercings more, though.

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I wish I could find nose piercings attractive, but I just don't. sadsmiley.gif

I guess I like my noses au naturel.

I'm that way too, kind of. I don't care for septum piercings at all...no judgement against those who have them, but i just can't get into it. Actually...not a huge fan of most facial piercings, but septums especially, I like that area left naked for some reason.

Small piercings on the side of the nose are another matter. I often think girls in particular look good with a tiny, shiny or sparking stud in one nostril, or a small ring on the side of their nostril. :)

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