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Hankie Shopping in London


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I am due to go to London at the weekend, with a friend who knows I collect handkerchiefs, but doesn't know it's a fetish. This makes it easier to go hankie shopping, and I wondered where is best in London to buy nice cotton hankies?

I would prefer the cheaper side, less than £10, and would love to find a market stall with loads of loose hankies.

Does anyone know of where to buy nice hankies in London?

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This may be a bit late, but there used to be those trendy gift shops in the old Covent Garden market which sold "novelty" hankies, Street markets, eh? There is one in the Brewer Street/ Old Compton Street area, but I can't remember if it sells linen.

And of course, don't forget Smith's snuff shop in the Charing Cross Road roughly in between the two; must write the missing episode where Harry Potter visits on his way to Diagon Alley.....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh hell, yeah, sorry.

I failed. Miserably. hehe.

I went to Fortnum and Mason, a very posh, well-to-do shop, as some friends said they had seen some hankies in there, laid out on a table, but these turned out to be pocket squares, not hankies. They did sell handkerchiefs, but only white ones with a small picture on them, not really my thing.

The friend I was with knew I liked collecting hankies, but I wanted him to enjoy the day too, so we left it at that really, didn't find a nice market, apart from Covent Garden, but they didn't sell any.

Ah well, it was a nice day out, saw a few noseblows as I walked around, no hankies though. xx

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