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50 Post Requirement


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Im working on my 50 posts to become an official member :) but i notice that ill make a few posts but my post counter (the thing under your avatar, name and info) doesnt count all my posts. The other day i had 22 posts, make 3 or 4 posts but only got one added to it. Does anyone know what im talking about?

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Not completely sure. Maybe there just is a lag?

Btw- welcome!

Just to let you know.... the 50 thing isn't one of those sort of automatic things... the Staff just takes a little bit of time to sort of check out a person (via posts and their general presence) to make sure that we don't get people trolling or doing things that might hurt the community. (We're a bit protective- but in a good way I think).

So... try not to worry too much about your count. Just try to relax and enjoy. :)

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Im working on my 50 posts to become an official member smile.png but i notice that ill make a few posts but my post counter (the thing under your avatar, name and info) doesnt count all my posts. The other day i had 22 posts, make 3 or 4 posts but only got one added to it. Does anyone know what im talking about?

Hi there,

To answer your question, posts made in certain sections are not always counted and recorded toward your overall number. For example, posts made in the Off Topic & Snake Pit sections don't count, if I remember correctly. I think the same also applies to the adult section but I'm not sure. The mods will be better able to answer that question with certainty.

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You will definitely need 50 posts if you want to be validated, but getting there will not automatically get you validated. It will get the attention of the admins and they will consider validating you. Very rarely does a member get validated with less then 50 posts. (The site is a little... overprotective, so it may take a few months before you will be validated.) Just keep positive, add positive posts, and add positive comments.

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As Heavy-Chevy said, there are certain subforums where posts don't count towards your post count. The Snake Pit is one of them, Fun and Games and the Testing area the others.

Edited by TheCakeIsALie
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It was early. :P And your avatars are both blue. It was bound to happen, really. :bleh:

I will correct my previous post.

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I will correct my previous post.


It wasn't a problem, I was amused as much as anything else


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Thanks. That clears it up. I knew i had to contact an admin after my 50 to get validated, i just hope it doesnt take forever. I want to be able to edit things on my profile and enter sone forums. I dont know, i just know theres things im restricted from doing. Im pretty sure i cant add a picture as my avatar which isnt fun, oh well. Ill get there eventually.

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You don't need to contact an Admin to get validated :) The Admins review all accounts that are 'Pending' with more than 50 posts periodically to assess if they are suitable for validation. Also please note that as others have said, the 50 post level is a minimum. There is no guarantee that once you have 50 posts you will be validated. My advice is to enjoy and make the most of the features you do have access to, and there are plenty, contribute where you can and don't worry or think about validation. :)

You already can edit your profile, including your avatar, as explained here: http://www.sneezefetishforum.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=42733

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Im working on my 50 posts to become an official member smile.png but i notice that ill make a few posts but my post counter (the thing under your avatar, name and info) doesnt count all my posts. The other day i had 22 posts, make 3 or 4 posts but only got one added to it. Does anyone know what im talking about?

thats weird, btw im pretty sure its 200 posts to become a member, but its not that straightforward coz i've got like 400 and haven't become one yet..

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It depends a lot upon your posting history sexyhankysneeze. Being made a member is partly a matter of convincing the staff that you are here to contribute positively. Some areas of the forum contain more personal information (for example e-mail addresses) and allow additional private discussion and the staff wish to feel that those made members can be trusted to use those privileges without causing distress to other members. Anyone who has, for example, received a warning from the staff will normally have to wait for the warning to be removed prior to being allowed that access. Making many posts does not guarantee promotion, especially if they are all in one area, are all very brief, or if they cause disruption (for example occasionally new members, in order to boost their post count ressurrect loads of very old observations or similar). In fact those things might actually slow the process down. It is though, as others have indicated, for the protection of the wider membership. And there are plenty of things you can explore and contribute to while the assessment takes place.

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Incidentally, folks... posting just to hit a minimum required number is kind of frowned upon. If you're just posting for the sake of upping your post count, the staff will notice, and it's really not something that's going to get you validated faster.

This is taken verbatim from the "Read Before Posting" section that we really hope new people read, y'know, before posting ;)

4. Just be patient. In most cases, it will happen! Your account will be validated and you will get to enjoy all the other special privileges that validated members have here. The administrators here are busy people. They all have jobs and other life commitments to attend to, please cut them some slack.

A wise person once said: "It's like dating- over-eagerness is a turn-off." It's true. I mean, you think about how many times we read posts and emails from members who just can't figure out why their account hasn't been validated yet. The fact that I have written this long list of hints should tell you that you're not the first member to ask about it. Try to put yourself in our shoes. It can get rather exhausting after a while.

So please, be patient, asking about whether or not your account is close to being validated may actually slow down your chances. Enjoy all of the things that you do have access to like General Discussion, Observations & Stories, Sneezing in the Media, Off Topic, Website Support, Comings & Goings, and the Testing Area. All great places to post inside so that we the staff may be able to get to know you better.

And just to clarify something, we do not validate members who have warning points on their accounts. No one can see your warning points but the individual member and the staff, but we (the staff) CAN see them, and it means you automatically get passed over for validation until they've lapsed.

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