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Sneeze Fetish Forum

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Hi guys I'm new to the forum. & would like to meet people who have the same sneezing fetish as I do. If you would like stop by & say hi. Would love to here from you sneeze.gif

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Hey, it's nice to meet you! You'll find no shortage of sneeze fetishists here, and no doubt plenty with whatever your particular preferences are. :D Welcome, glad you've joined the forum! :3

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Nice to meet ya!

would like to meet people who have the same sneezing fetish as I do.

I think you'll find a few of those. wink1.gif

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Thanks again everybody for posting Would really like to make friends with people in other countries also. That would be cool thumbsup.gif

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Hello and welcome to the forum! Tell us a bit about yourself? Enjoy the forum, plenty of talk buddies here. ^^

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I'm still very shy about talking about it but one of my friends has been doing a wonderful job at pulling me out of my shell blushsmiley.gif But anyway I had this fetish for as long as I can remember.& I like them all. wubsmiley.gif again if anyone wants to message me feel free.

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