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Big Bang Theory drabbles


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Title: Glasses

Characters/pairing: allergic!Leonard/Penny

A/N: My first time writing in the fandom, woot. I feel like it’s my first time writing fanfic ever or something, why do I feel so nervous to post this, haha. Enjoy!


It’s light, the sun already rising, when Penny wakes up. She feels Leonard moving beside her. She closes her eyes, listens to him pat the nightstand like he’s looking for something. At first, Penny thinks he’s trying to find his glasses, but then there’s the soft sound of a tissue being pulled from its box, an intake of breath, and a sneeze that’s quick and irritated.


Leonard pulls in a shaky breath afterwards, and it catches again before the bed is shaking with two more sneezes.

Hpchsh! HTCHsh!”


“S-sorry…HTCHcht!” Leonard’s last sneeze is loud, half-stifled, and Penny pushes herself up on one elbow and tries to shake off the sleep that still has a hold on her.

“Bless you.”


“You okay?” She’s only woken up beside Leonard a handful of times, and she knows he has allergies-- he says they’re usually bad in the mornings-- but it’s the first time she’s heard him like this. She waits for his answer, but then his hand is in her hair, a breathless don’t worry about me in her ear, and then the bed dips and he’s gone, padding to the bathroom with another sneeze and a yelp when he stubs his toe on something.

Penny looks at his glasses on the nightstand, and smiles fondly.

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Aww... poor Leonard! He can't even get out of the bedroom safety. There's so much Leonard-allergy talk on Big Bang Theory but you never get to see anything. Thank you for rectifying the situation, lol.

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Big Bang Theory drabbles? You have made me very happy. Very happy indeed. Sick Leonard next time? Pretty please...... :)

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Big Bang Theory drabbles? You have made me very happy. Very happy indeed. Sick Leonard next time? Pretty please...... smile.png

ooooh seconded! :) Big Bang Theory is amazing and this was really good!

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Awww Leonard is my favourite :) Yeah, I am always so sad when they talk about his asthma/allergies but don't show things...

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Morning allergies/clumsy Leonard? I believe I just died and went to fangirl heaven. Thanks for that ;)

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oh my god

big bang theory


hee, thank you!

Aww... poor Leonard! He can't even get out of the bedroom safety. There's so much Leonard-allergy talk on Big Bang Theory but you never get to see anything. Thank you for rectifying the situation, lol.

I know, right?? Those things drive me nuts. Thanks bb!

Leonardddddd. wub.png Oh jeez, the imagery is just perfect in that first drabble. I can't wait to read more! biggrin.png

thank you so much!!

d'awww, love these guys!

me too! thanks for reading:)

Big Bang Theory drabbles? You have made me very happy. Very happy indeed. Sick Leonard next time? Pretty please...... smile.png

sick Leonard always, bb

Big Bang Theory drabbles? You have made me very happy. Very happy indeed. Sick Leonard next time? Pretty please...... smile.png

ooooh seconded! smile.png Big Bang Theory is amazing and this was really good!

hee, thank you thank youuu

Awww Leonard is my favourite smile.png Yeah, I am always so sad when they talk about his asthma/allergies but don't show things...

samesies! thanks for reading

I love it, I love it, I LOOOVVEE IT! I was really hoping someone would do some Big Bang Theory, it's about time! Can't wait for more biggrin.png

thank you!!

I've been waiting SO LONG for this!! Adorable!! Thank you!!!!

yay, thank you!

Morning allergies/clumsy Leonard? I believe I just died and went to fangirl heaven. Thanks for that wink.png

ahhh thank you so much!

THIS IS SO GREAT OH MAN <3 I love Leonard!

THANK YOU me tooo

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Title: Comfortable

Characters/pairing: sick!Leonard, Sheldon (gen)



“What on earth are you doing?”

Leonard, curled up on the couch with a blanket and a pounding headache, jumps at Sheldon’s voice. He sniffles and reaches for a tissue from the box in front of him.

“Normal people say bless you.”

“Why are you sneezing?”

Sheldon’s suspicious tone does nothing to lessen the ache in his temples and sinuses. Leonard blows his nose and tries to ignore his roommate, but Sheldon walks over and peers at him from a safe distance.

“Are you sick?”

“I’m not sick,” Leonard protests weakly, the congestion in his voice betraying him easily.

“Because if you are,” Sheldon continues, ignoring him, “I expect you to quarantine yourself in your room. Do I need to remind you of our roommate agreement?”

Leonard sighs, gathers up the tissues and blanket. His bed is more comfortable anyway.

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Sick!Leonard. :heart:


bye. :wub:

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Ahh the roomate agreement... XD Seriously, this should be in an actual episode. EVERYTHING was perfectly in character. I <3'd it!

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awwww leonard tonguesmiley.gif that was GREAT!! ive always wondered why leonard still lives there though O_o XD

I think Leonard would never hear the end of it at work from Sheldon if he did! XDD

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YAY!!!!!!! SICK LEONARD JUST MADE ME SQUEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for that. It was so perfect!

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awwwww I just LOVE IT!!! Can't wait to read more! heart.gif

thank you!!


Sick!Leonard. heart.gif


bye. wub.png

hee:) thank you for reading!

Oh my god, that was so in character. I could hear their voices in my head~ XD Silly Sheldon.

whaaaat thank you SO MUCH

Ahh the roomate agreement... XD Seriously, this should be in an actual episode. EVERYTHING was perfectly in character. I <3'd it!

haha, I agree! thank you!

awwww leonard tonguesmiley.gif that was GREAT!! ive always wondered why leonard still lives there though O_o XD

so we can watch him suffer, haha:)

YAY!!!!!!! SICK LEONARD JUST MADE ME SQUEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for that. It was so perfect!

thank you thank you thank you!!

a continuation of this last one next, probably, is coming soon:)

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Wow, I didn't know you wrote fic for this fandom!

I have only a passing familiarity with the show (my friend showed me all the Wil Wheaton episodes and the LOTR one), but even I can tell that your fics are SO in character! Too cute!

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They are all very in character. Love the toe-stubbing in the first drabble, so very Leonard. xD And so very Sheldon to bring up the roommate agreement. :lol: Very awesome drabbles!

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