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Buildups- what do you like/ are not so fond of


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Not sure if this is the right section- but...

I was thinking the past couple of days re: build ups. I generally like them. And I know that *many* people on here do. But... I have to say that some that I've heard I don't like, and that made me curious. Btw- I hope that nobody takes offense at anything that *I* personally am not as fond of. I started this out of curiousity to see if other people who generally like buildups have preferences within the category.

What I Like/Love

  • Interrupted speech- (Loads of bonus points if you happen to have a voice type that almost makes me purr :blushing: )
  • With the above- the little "waver" and voice change *just* prior to
  • The general force/harshness, and "vocalness" that usually happens with what follows. *evil grin*
  • Soft little slowish pants (drives me nuts- because I know that it is driving them nuts :blushing:)
  • an occasional vocalised "huh" or "ehh" <3
  • If they are seen - the nostrils flares and the facial expression - oh and look in the eyes. *melt*

What I'm not as big on

  • Rapid panting
  • Moaning
  • Where it *seems* to me like it is "overdone"
  • Whimper
  • If the "post" buildup is "over the top" (obviously according to my own sense of that term)
  • If seen- if the person looks *too* "pathetic" (if that makes any sense)
  • If seen- if person makes huge, dramatic "production" of it.

I guess this sort of makes sense- since I personally sort of feel uncomfortable with definitely "acted" sneezing or "cartoonish" sneezing. Obviously different people like different things, and that is cool.

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I agree with everything on your list. It's only good for me if it's natural.

I do like when the build-up stops and the person thinks they've lost the sneeze, then start building up again. And there's something kind of hot about a sneezy little half-smile if it's the right person/situation.

I love it all but the "waver" right before the build-up if they've been talking really gets to me, as well as the occasional vocalized breaths and the expression of course.

I also like build-ups that consist of one deep breath. It sounds so urgent, like the sneeze just suddenly grabbed hold of them without mercy. :twisted:

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Oh man, buildups are GREAT. ;)

What I'm most fond of, I'd say, is the utter desperation that's involved. The fact that the oncoming sneeze would stimulate a buildup in the first place is just glorious. Combine that with a helpless expression, deep slow breaths, and flaring nostrils and I'm done. Haha.

On things I'm not too big on, I'd have to agree with you on the "overdone" aspect. Like, if it's completely blown out of proportion it's a turnoff. Same with vocalized intakes of breath. It's way too cartoonish that way. :P

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I like most build-ups as long as they don't sound exaggerated or fake (to my ears).

As for occasional, shaky, vocalized exhales... that stuff is hot like the centre of the sun is hot. :blushing:

Talkies aren't usually my thing, so I'm not too much into interrupted speech, but I love a congested, breathless "Fuck" or "Oh god" thrown in every now and then.

This is... a nice topic... *floats away*

Edited by VoOs
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I do like when the build-up stops and the person thinks they've lost the sneeze, then start building up again. And there's something kind of hot about a sneezy little half-smile if it's the right person/situation.

I love it all but the "waver" right before the build-up if they've been talking really gets to me, as well as the occasional vocalized breaths and the expression of course.

I also like build-ups that consist of one deep breath. It sounds so urgent, like the sneeze just suddenly grabbed hold of them without mercy

Yes!! To all of the above. :wub:

For me if vocalised inhale- is sort of "softer" and just sounds like it can't be helped - I just melt into the floor. But loud.... and "too much"... well... not my cup of tea.

Yay! I'm glad that I'm not totally odd with this. :)

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What can I add that hasn't already been said~? It's all quite delicious <3

The build-up in general, for me, communicates the fetish very well. Quick, gunfire sneezing is great, but the innocuous torture of a slow-building sneeze is just fantastic. The look on the face, the gentle catching pants, the occasional "come on" to get the sneeze moving x3... I agree with everything on the list, but I also like light groaning, just for the growling sound~

I also like it when the build up is slow enough to allow them to prepare, but urgent enough to give them panic--I've seen some men who feel it coming and put up an arm, or turn a bit from side to side, generally flailing as they attempt to figure which is the best direction to aim x'D. It's so adorable and funny when they do that~ <3

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Pretty much everything on your list, tma, both like and dislike. But I don't really care that much about nostril flaring. I like the eyes, when they get vacant and half-lidded a lot more. I like the rapid panting sometimes if it's only a few in a row. But I definitely agree with not liking how some people over-dramatize it. I'm not all that partial to sneeze announcements or moaning before sneezes. But I reeeeeeeally love long, breathy buildups more than anything. :heart:

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I agree with basically all of this, although I'm not too keen on vocalizations. Rapid panting can be nice if it seems like it can't be helped. drool.gif

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  • 3 weeks later...

I love interrupted speech, like when they try to continue their sentence with breathy repetitions in between like "i ne hee... Need to sne.... He he" etc :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

My favorite is when people talk through the buildup! I love that so much!!!! I love when people rub their nose! When someone is cartoon ish-YUCK!

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This whole thread just makes me really, really, really happy.

Build-ups are my favorite part of the sneeze. I don't even need the actual sneeze necessarily--just give me a handsome guy with a long, straight nose stuck in delicious sneeze limbo...constantly building up for that inevitable sneeze but never really getting there. Especially if he keeps sniffling in between sharp intakes of breath, and his hand lingers just under his nose... Oh my goodness. :blush:

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I love build-ups *drools* they totally make it for me.

My favorite bits would be interrupted speech, when it goes away and suddenly comes back, and the frustration of it. Also the torturous aspect of it all, the slower the better.

I dislike when it is super overdone, almost cartoonish I would say.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I LOVE feminine buildups about as much as I love to see and hear women sneeze.

I like it to go something like this:

1. She feels tickle.

2. Says stutters softly "I'm going to . . . to . . . to sneeze."

3. Next come hitched breaths growing more intense into a full blown buildup (uh . . . UH . . . UHH . . . UHHH !!!)

3. Finally her buildup climaxes with one last "UHHHHHH . . . and she finally blasts out a 'delicious' sneeze: "SHEYOWWW!!!"

Buildups ROCK!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pretty much agree with your original list. I like them audibly breathy and desperate sounding. Like when their talking is interrupted.

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I love when someone struggles to keep speaking despite an oncoming sneeze.

I love drawn-out buildups (not TOO loong, though!)

It doesn't happen very often, but I love when I accidently let out a whimper or a moan during a buildup.

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It is absolutely all about the nostril flaring for me. I love breathy pants too...false starts...*yum*...but the nostril twitches get me every time! teehee.gif

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I like buildups that make kind of a breathy sound, but also kind of a vocal sound. I also loveee, when there's some attempted talking during a buildup. ♥

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