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What would you do if you were blackmailed?


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If someone you knew found out about the fetish and threatened to spread the word about it unless you did whatever they wanted. Blackmail in other words. How would you react to this situation? Would you just let them tell everyone about your fetish or would you go along with whatever they wanted you to do.

I'm not saying this happened to me, it's just a hypothetical question.

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I'd probably panic at first, but once I calmed down, I probably wouldn't care all too much. My parents already know, I don't think my true friends would really care, and perhaps most of all, odds are nobody would believe it anyway. I can't say for sure, but I feel like most people wouldn't care, if they believed it at all. They'd just brush it off and forget about it, as long as you don't make a huge deal out of it.

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I'd probably panic at first, but once I calmed down, I probably wouldn't care all too much. My parents already know, I don't think my true friends would really care, and perhaps most of all, odds are nobody would believe it anyway. I can't say for sure, but I feel like most people wouldn't care, if they believed it at all. They'd just brush it off and forget about it, as long as you don't make a huge deal out of it.

It's probably true that the majority of people wouldn't think much of it. However I'm sure many of us would still get very embarrassed if it became a widely known thing. I mean all of my friends would be making jokes about it every time someone sneezed. Yeah...I wouldn't want to deal with that the rest of my life. Ha

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Been there.

Fortunately he only threatened to tell one person. I ended up confessing to that person so he'd have no ammo left. It was a rough confession, but it was something I felt like I needed to do anyway. He stopped bothering me mostly because the ammo I had against him was far more threatening than that one secret he knew about me. I had written evidence of larceny. He stole a lot of money from me. Don't worry, I got it back.

I guess what I'm saying is blackmail is childish, and usually the person attempting it has something they want to hide as well. I'm not saying this would be easy, but somehow you'll have to convince the person that their threats don't bother you, and they'll stop.

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It would be a really pathetic thing to do, wouldn't it? I mean, you could probably just say "Try it. Watch me tell everyone how you are so pathetic and insecure you feel the need to try and blackmail someone with their sexual preferences." I think that that'd scare them, all right. :yes:

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I'd tell them to go right ahead & tell the world. Yes, it's weird to have a thing for sneezing, but most everybody has a weird thing, whether it be sneezes, feet, silk scarves, or whatever.

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I would literally break down and panic, and likely do anything they asked of me. I'm a weak person like that when it comes to my secrets. *shudder*

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Blah-San is right - chances are people wouldn't believe them.

If they DID disclose it, turn it round on them. Act as though you'd never heard anything like it before, either laugh like hell and find the whole idea hysterically funny or act utterly repulsed, just DONT act embarrassed or the game is up.

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I would literally break down and panic, and likely do anything they asked of me. I'm a weak person like that when it comes to my secrets. *shudder*

What if they wanted money? Like if they said "Pay me $20 every week if you don't want me to tell anyone." How long would you be willing to keep it up?

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Actually, they can't prove you have the fetish, for example i can say that someone has a foot fetish to all my friends whenever i want to (allthough it would be pretty stupid). The other thing I would probably do is if im sure he will tell everyone, i would simply do it before him. If I say that he has a sneeze fetish, and then later he/she says that i have the fetish, people will more likely believe me then him. I mean if he was going to blackmail you like that without any evidence, he deserves it.

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I think I'd go cry to my therapist.

Seriously, though, once money is involved isn't it some sort of crime? I guess what I'm saying is that I'd find one person I trusted who had some kind of authority and get them to MAKE them stop. Ha. I guess I just revealed what a total child I am.

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What if they wanted money? Like if they said "Pay me $20 every week if you don't want me to tell anyone." How long would you be willing to keep it up?

Probably until I ran out of money, haha. This is why I take measures to avoid anyone I know outside of the forum finding out.

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What if they wanted money? Like if they said "Pay me $20 every week if you don't want me to tell anyone." How long would you be willing to keep it up?

Probably until I ran out of money, haha. This is why I take measures to avoid anyone I know outside of the forum finding out.

Oh, darling. You need to hone your survival skills. :hug:

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Oh, darling. You need to hone your survival skills.

*Hugs Maru* Usually I'm pretty kickass until it comes to something I like to keep immensely well guarded.

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I'd just tell them I don't care. If you don't care there's nothing to blackmail them with, right? Besides the majority of peple I ever told al think it's actually really cute or say I'm lucky so I think after the initial "OH GOD EVERYONE KNOWS" wore off I wouldn't get too much grief for it, so it's not like it'd be lying, and they're all likely to forget quickly anyway. If I'd been in high school still that would have been a different story, though, I think I would have shined their shoes with my food if they wanted, to have kept them from telling. It's very environment-relevent.

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