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Is this cheesy?


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Well the thing is I met this guy a couple weeks ago, and I kinda started to like him.

But ever since then I've been trying to get him alone to ask him out, but whenever I find him he's always surrounded and/or busy... :/

So I was thinking maybe I could write him a letter. But I don't know, it always looks so romantic in movies, but would it be just cheesy IRL?

I could really use some opinions :/

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Oh no, I'm so sorry, I accidentaly posted this in the wrong forum, it was supposed to be in Off Topic, not general discussion >__< sorry

Edited by TheCakeIsALie
Moved it!
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You could always text him. It's the modern day equivalent of writing a love letter. Not the most romantic approach but probably not cheesy.

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I'd say forget the letter, Lime. Romantic letters and so on are really girl things, I think. Guys don't really respond to that!

Talking to him face to face is the way to go. Just make it nice and simple. No big gestures of love! wink1.gif But if that's not working try an email, facebook message or text, like Heavy-Chevy says. Let us know how it goes, eh? The worst he can say is no, and you're Swedish! How can he resist that?? thumbsup.gif

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It wouldn't be cheesy, but it might come off a little bit... intense. Way too intense for someone who you have rarely (never?) spoken to one on one. I agree, this is what text or email are for. A letter asking someone on a date is only a step away from a love letter, which is pretty high stakes for a first date. It implies that you lack the social skills to do the deed in person (which I'm sure you don't), and might come off a bit second-grade-ish. Also the possibilities for hilarious mistakes are rife, see every romantic comedy ever; it gets mislaid, lost, given to someone else so everyone knows you were asking him out, he writes you a reply that gets lost, etc etc. Eventually you're going to have to speak to him face to face- may as we'll make it now.

IMHO ask him in person or by phone/text. Save the letter for a few dates in as an "I love you" letter or an invite to a super special romantic thing.

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As a first introduction, it could come off as a bit intense, as previous posters have suggested.

However, it could also be really nice and sweet. I think it all depends on how well you know each other and how romantic you are trying to make it read. If it's just a "Never seem to be able to speak to you on your own, so will try it like this: would you like to go to *date plan* sometime?" I'm sure it'll be fine. :)

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I would really try to get him alone if its somehow possible. If he's on the fence, he's much more likely to say "yes" to something if you ask him in person. Maybe you could ask him to do something non-romantic first, like asking him to help you with something, and then ask him out at the end of that.

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I think that if it is true to who you are, and how you express yourself, you should do it. If he responds well, he may be right for you. Ig he does not respond well, you know he isn't.

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