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Castiel Fics


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Hey guys, I was just wondering if anyone new of any good fics where castiel is sick and dean takes care of him. I found a few on fanfiction.net but I totally needs some more. Any help is greatly appreciated.

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..."a few"..? Somehow I recall only fining one or two there so... If you seriously found more, can you add the links..? xD

And... there's one or two on the forum, as you've probably noticed. I don't remember if Dean really takes care of him in those (I think he does..?) but he definitely is sick in them. I can't recall finding anything besides those.

/This goes a little off topic since we have Sam taking care of him instead of Dean (and it's got too much medicine use for my liking just as well as the damn ending, but...): http://marziebarz.livejournal.com/14129.html

Also... You might find something here, maybe not since I think there wasn't too manys sick!Cas fics listed there in the comments, but anyway: http://spnstoryfinders.livejournal.com/7859954.html?thread=46216690&

Edited by Sitruuna
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I think I may have read through all the ones that exist, its very sad. Hopefully some new ones will magically appear or maybe I'll be able to track some more down.

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Okay, so you say you've read some sick!Cas stuff on FF.net right? Have you read "Another Side Effect of Waging War on Heaven"? It is my all time favorite Cas fic. (I just remembered the title tday )

Edited by pinknose
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Okay, so you say you've read some sick!Cas stuff on FF.net right? Have you read "Another Side Effect of Waging War on Heaven"? It is my all time favorite Cas fic. (I just remembered the title tday )

thats my favorite castiel fic too! :D its so adorable

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