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Frankenstorm AHHHHHHH!

Vongola Undicesimo

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Okay, if any of you live in the Northeast (US) then you know how crazy everything's been. They've evactuated NCY, schools are closing all over the place, and even here, upstate New York, we're expected to loose power. At the stores, all crowded like you couldn't imagine, they're completely sold out of batteries. We've got our stuff ready, but the worse we're expected is lights out.

I think the last storm this big in New York (again, the state, not the city) was the Labor Day storm, like fourteen years ago. I was only a few months old when that one happened. Of course that one wasn't a hurricane, it was a freakin' tornado. In New York State. We don't get those here.

So, to anyone who lives in the city, or anywhere else where it has or will hit, I send my hope and love.

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Ugh I'm in New Jersey and we're about to get the worst of it. School's closed today and tomorrow, our annual Halloween parade is cancelled, and Trick-or-Treating is probably a no-go. The lights in our kitchen have been flickering all day.

All my East-Coasters stay as safe as you possibly can! I'll be thinking about all of you :heart:

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We're getting about as bad as we're supposed to get right now (and for about the next three hours) where I am. It's super windy and there are leaves and things flying all over. I live in the woods so all the trees are bending and whipping around pretty good. We haven't lost power yet, school's closed at least for today, and I'm sure now that I've said we haven't lost power, we will (It's dimming on and off now). :lol:

It's pretty amazing out there, in a terrible, dangerous way.

For everyone else who's experiencing this, I hope you're faring as well as possible and that you all stay safe!

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Also in Jersey, and lucky to be considered "non-essential personnel" by the hospital where I work. They told us not to come in tomorrow either, and I already took Wednesday and Thursday off because I'm was supposed to be going to a concert in Philly, but Lord knows if that'll happen now.

It's looking pretty bad outside so I'm hoping everyone stays safe, especially if you absolutely have to be out on the roads.

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So far so good over here *knocks on wood* No class... and *thus* far- have power.


To all you East Coast US'ers - Stay safe!!

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It's quiet here now, which is comforting to someone from a town that got totally walloped by a hurricane only 14 months ago. Sandy seems nicer than Irene as of now..

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Also from NJ here. Hoping this storm passes quickly with minimum damage. I'm just glad I don't live near the shore. I hope those folks are ok.

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I was sitting here working on some art for the 18+ board and I heard some branches splintering just outside my window. My life flashed before my eyes and I envisioned the branches crashing through the glass and killing me. Fortunately that didn't happen, but the idea of me dying with this website and an 18+ sneezy work-in-progress up on my laptop is just too much for me to handle right now.

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Jesus... just... take care, chaps!

This makes me feel horrible: so many people literally locked in their homes, so many lives in danger AND I SIT HERE THOUSANDS OF MILES AWAY, SAFE. Take care. :cry:

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How's it going? I read in the paper that NY is "drenched". We all know how the media likes to overdo it, but the pictures were quite scary to see. Hope you're staying safe, people. Take care.

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No major damage in my area, thank God! Although I did see that coastal cities like AC got flooded pretty bad. :(

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No major damage here either, that I know of (I think they cleaned up most of it yesterday). Surprisingly few people's power went out, who I've talked to anyway. I was talking to my professor about it earlier and he said that this was a lot better compared to last year's hurricane when spent 4 days in a motel because he had no power.

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Oh my goodness AnonyMouse that's terrifying!

We lost power on Monday afternoon and our house's drain pipe flew off the side and hit our neighbor's car. Half of our neighborhood was flooded, as well as the country club by us, and there are trees down every freakin' which way ;w; it's really kind of frightening.

Also Seaside's pretty much destroyed now. As reluctant as I am to admit it, I'm sad about that, too.

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My area is doing fine for the most part, which I pretty much expected. The area of upstate NY where I live isn't often affected too strongly by tropical storms and the like - we're not close enough to the coast. Some folks, including one of my best friends, lost power (hers is still not working, after nearly 48 hours), and there was some wind damage/homes and such damaged by falling branches. But there's no flooding and most people are just fine. My younger sister was thrilled that they cancelled an entire day at the community college.

Sending out love and best wishes to those of you who are in areas that saw a lot more damage. I hope all your friends and family are safe and doing well, considering the crazy circumstances!

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It still looks like a warzone outside, with trees down on the street over and flooding and such, but as soon as I posted about it my power came back XP

51 hours without it, though. It's kind of a personal record.

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I live up towards the Great Lakes, and it's been windy(50MPH) and snowing for about three days now. Best wishes to everyone further East, because that storm was enough to mess up things way up here! (We almost ALMOST had school cancelled Tuesday and everything there were so many trees and power lines down. Thinking that that much damage was a storm remnant, I feel for y'all...)

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Oh geez, snow! :dead:

My boyfriend's family hasn't had power since 9 PM on Monday... looks like the rest of the town got power back last night around 11 PM but since they're in the boonies it's still not back yet. Also there's a power line just sort of hanging precariously over the street leading up to his house... I don't understand how that isn't top priority right now. It's been getting lower and lower as the days go by.

I'm really bummed about Seaside too. :(

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I hope everyone is safe! We had school canceled on Tuesday, but my power never went out. My grandma, however, still does not have power.

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