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murphy dee

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So National Novel Writing Month is only one day away! Who's got two thumbs and is super excited? THIS GAL.

For those not familiar, NaNoWriMo begins on November 1st and lasts until November 30th. It's a self-paced challenge to see if you can write 50,000 words in an entire month. And this can be 50k words of a novel, a collection of short stories, a whole mess of poems, essays, really anything - just as long as it's not pre-existing work that you were writing before November! You should ideally start fresh for NaNoWriMo (though some people ignore this "rule"...it's not really in the spirit of the event, but it can be done - HERE'S A SECRET: I totally did that my first year).

ANYWAY, you can read more about it and sign up on the website. The staff sends you pep talks and tips throughout the month, there's a graph tracks your progress as you update your word count, and there's also a HUGE forum full of people to bounce your ideas off of, get plot advice, help with naming characters, all sorts of great stuff.

With all the creative folks here on the SFF, I know at least ONE of y'all has to be doing it this year. If so, come find me and let's be NaNo buddies!

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I'm SO pumped for NaNo! I've done it since 2010, got to 50k my first year and didn't even make it halfway last year, so I'm wondering how it'll turn out this year. I've got 4 stories I'm contemplating using for it, so if worse comes to worst, I could always switch if I get bored.

One of my favorite parts of NaNo is actually the pep talks. Even after I lost inspiration for my novel last year, I read all of the pep talks, and they're really great for keeping you going. I've always wanted to go to one of the gatherings where everyone just writes together, but there aren't any in my area that I know of. :\ But oh well, using the forums is pretty awesome, too! They're really supportive and I get kind of addicted to the random number generator. It spurs me forward a little bit.

Murphy D., I've just added you! If anyone else is interested, I'm here~ http://nanowrimo.org/en/participants/shatteredmugen63

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I'm SO pumped for NaNo! I've done it since 2010, got to 50k my first year and didn't even make it halfway last year, so I'm wondering how it'll turn out this year. I've got 4 stories I'm contemplating using for it, so if worse comes to worst, I could always switch if I get bored.

This is my EXACT situation, no lie! D: Won in my first year (2010) and bombed out last year. I even have four stories I'm considering, too (though I think I'm forcing myself right now to make up my mind).

Added you! :D

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Oooh, I just went in and refreshed my profile and updated my novel info!!! I am stoked for this year's NaNoWriMo! I am ZaNeesee14, friend me!

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I've added all three of you! And anyone else who's joining in, I'm curlyramennoodles :D

Totally excited for this yay!

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Added the both of you, too! *dancin'* This NaNo's gonna be awesome, I can already tell.

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Participating like always! So excited! I'll add go and add you guys. Don't want to post my name on it here though, since it's the username I use for like everything...

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I added you guys too~

I'm SO pumped for NaNo! I've done it since 2010, got to 50k my first year and didn't even make it halfway last year, so I'm wondering how it'll turn out this year. I've got 4 stories I'm contemplating using for it, so if worse comes to worst, I could always switch if I get bored.

This is my EXACT situation, no lie! D: Won in my first year (2010) and bombed out last year. I even have four stories I'm considering, too (though I think I'm forcing myself right now to make up my mind).

Added you! biggrin.png

Haha, really? I've been trying to make up my mind for a few days and now I'm considering using the idea I wasn't going to use, and it's like come on, self, pick one!! And I thought of a fifth idea today, so I'm not sure whether to go for spontaneity or stick with something I've planned at least moderately well.

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I've done it three times and every time it failed spectacularly. :lol: So I'm not sure whether I'm in this year, but hey, I'll sign the heck up and see!

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I got so lost in time that I didn't even think of a topic to get irritated and give up at yet! Must put brain into overdrive...

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I'm doing NaNo too! I don't want to post my screen name here, since many of my IRL friends know it, but I'll be adding those of you who mentioned yours!

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I finally, FINALLY got a half decent plot with one hour of November 1st to go! I am TOTALLY going to win this year. I even have an RL writing buddy! I can't fail! CAFFEINE!!!!

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Oh my God this is so daunting to me. Props to you guys for doing this (multiple years in a row, no less!) Maybe I'll join in once I retire in about forty-five years or so. :laugh:

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Oh my gosh, it's so hard to focus on writing! Besides the usual distractions, I'm on my period, and once I get over a few days of feeling like crap, my fetish tends to go into overdrive. Therefore, my story doesn't seem even a little bit interesting unless my characters have horrible colds...but it really, REALLY doesn't fit into the storyline just now. The most I managed was to sneak in a cat allergy for a side character, but I can't really dwell on it too much. *sighs*

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I've been working on the rough draft to the same novel since April. Maybe I'd write faster if I wrote more than just on the weekends, but usually I don't feel like writing after coming home from work, so generally I just do it on the weekends and I'm still not even close to finishing the rough draft, so finishing a novel in just one month isn't feasible for me. But for those who do this, have fun. :)

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Aaaaand of course now I'm behind on my wordcount. Miserably, in fact. I'm supposed to be twice as far as I am currently.

BUT! Because I'm kind of stuck on my main story, I've taken to writing some fetish fic, too. And I'm counting that towards my total words because, hey, it's November and it's words that I've written, so, yeah. I don't think that's really against the rules. Lots of people flip between different stories during NaNo. Haha, okay, now I think I sound like I'm just trying to convince myself that this is okay...

I find it silly that I won my first NaNo two years ago with a fic about Captain Hook, and now the fetish fic I'm writing is also Captain Hook. What is it about November that makes me fall in love with that bastard all over again?

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Oh, speaking of being behind... :lol: Once again I'm pretty sure I'm not going to make it. Still, I get these little bursts of inspiration now and then. Oddly enough, I seem to be able to do it only when writing longhand. Keyboard and screen seem to have lost all writing appeal for me. Weird.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey, just figured I'd revive the thread since it's November 30th and all. As of about 40 minutes ago, I reached 50,000 words! After the whole month of up and down motivation, I'm pretty surprised that I managed to finish on time.

How are you guys doing (or how did you do, if it's already past midnight where you are)?

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As of about 40 minutes ago, I reached 50,000 words!


I won last night, too! I juuuuuust skated in over the 50k mark about a half hour before midnight. I actually wrote over 7000 words yesterday and my brain is so dead. My story's not done yet, though, so I'm giving myself a day or two of recuperation and then I'm hittin' it hard again.

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As of about 40 minutes ago, I reached 50,000 words!

CONGRATS!! biggrin.png

I won last night, too! I juuuuuust skated in over the 50k mark about a half hour before midnight. I actually wrote over 7000 words yesterday and my brain is so dead. My story's not done yet, though, so I'm giving myself a day or two of recuperation and then I'm hittin' it hard again.

Thanks, and congrats to you too!!! That's a ton of words for one day, seriously good job on that. My story's not done either. I have absolutely no plan for the rest of the first draft, so I'm gonna wing it and then start the rewrite. Maybe after a short break, I can use December to finish it and then over my winter break I can start the rewrite. So good luck to us both!

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